Improving the Netflix Flow Chart

As you know, we’re members of the Netflix Stream Team. Each month they send us details on upcoming series and give us sneak previews of new shows like GLOW or early access to the latest season of Orange is the New Black. They also share with us some of their latest marketing strategies such as sneaking in Mom time or female role models. Sometimes we align with their suggestions while sometimes we go out on our own to provide Netflix cheat codes or share about an underrated Netflix series.
But this month I’m baffled. They gave us flow charts for when we need to convince family or friends to watch something like Star Wars or Marvel on Netflix. Here’s an example:
Is that a thing? Does anyone really need to be convinced to watch Star Wars? After all, it’s Star Wars! Right now you can stream Rogue One in addition to 6 seasons of the Clone Wars series or movie. My generation has a nostalgic appreciation for the original movies and the new chapters tie into that. Younger generations appreciate the new chapters with an excitement for the originals that put it all into perspective. Why the need to persuade anyone?
And don’t even get me started on Marvel! It’s not like there’s only one show type of Marvel on Netflix so it’s not a one-size-fits-all choice.. Cartoon and live action; cinematic universe and comic book universe; for mature audiences and younger audiences, teams of heroes and single heroes. The choices are many! Here’s a glimpse at a fraction of them!
There’s a variety of options – from traditional Captain America (and the remarkably awesome Chris Evans in Civil War) to Benedict Cumberbatch in Doctor Strange. There are shows like Avengers Reassembled and Maximum Overload for the Lego crowd.
If you’re a sports fanatic, you can even watch a documentary that parallels the connection between elite athletes and Marvel super heroes. The cast includes household names such as Cal Ripken Jr., Tony Haw, Danica Patrick and Brandi Chastain who represent a variety of professional sports organizations.
There are comic book versions of shows and some throw-back movies among other shows, too. Of course, Netflix offers SEVERAL original series including Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and coming soon, Punisher. These are more geared toward an older crowd while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. meets the requirements for prime time network television. Here’s a great video that puts into perspective how I feel about Marvel on Netflix:
With Marvel on Netflix, there are so many choices covering different themes that I just don’t get the need to try to convince people to watch it. My Marvel Netflix flow chart would look something like this.
What would your flowchart look like?
We have Netflix and have always been thrilled with it. I can’t imagine not having some of these movies right at our fingertips!
LOL. I love that flow chart! At this point, I don’t have to convince anyone, and I love it! I cannot live without Netflix.
What a fun flow chart. I best not show it to my husband it would give him more reasons for all of us to watch his favorite movies!
I had no idea there was so much of this on Netflix! This makes my superhero loving heart happy!
There are so many great reasons to check out Netflix right now and Marvel is definitely one of them. I definitely have to watch Defenders.
Netflix features so much awesome programming that there are always at least a few options our entire family agrees on. Anything Star Wars related is definitely an easy win around here!
My family and I have had Netflix for years! Right now I am watching reruns of Friends and That 70s Show, especially the holiday episodes.
OMG, this is hilarious. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and so are all my family members so luckily we won’t need this flow chart. I know some other Star Wars fans who are in dire need of this, though! LOL
We are huge Disney and Marvel fans. That chart is a crack-up. All paths lead to Star Wars here!
We’re thinking of getting a Netflix. The idea of having a flowchart sounds fun. We like Disney and Marvel movies.
You are so right… who needs to be convinced to watch Star Wars! I love anything Star Wars and so does the family. 🙂 We love Netflix and watch it often. I love the choices but hopefully they will add some more new stuff to our Norwegian version.
I’m a huge Star Wars fan so I always look for anything related to it. I love that Netflix is providing me with even more ways to get my Star Wars fix.
Netflix is the greatest. I have actually never watched a star wars movie, it really never caught my attention
All three of us in our house are Netflix junkies lol…. My hubby would have a Star Wars flowchart that’s for sure. Me? I’m all about the nerdy documentaries