New Game Release – Landmarks


Floodgate Games will release Landmarks, a thematic word association game, at Gen Con 2024!

You’ve got the map, but the rest of your party is lost in a jungle filled with treacherous traps, evil curses, and bit ol’ piles of sweet sparkling treasure.

Guide them to the good stuff by sending a chain of one-word clues, steering them from danger and leading them to riches. Your clue will connect your party to the next landmark, but will they choose the right way to go? Just say the word and find out.

Race to find your team’s treasure first -or- work together to get out of the jungle and split the loot before you run out of water!

Landmarks is for two to ten players, ages ten and up, and plays in twenty minutes. It will retail for $24.99!

Floodgate Games also previously released Kites: Time to Fly (see Kites card game).  

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