Holiday Giveaways 2020 – The Deadlies Game Prize Package by Smirk & Dagger

We’ve known Curt Covert from Smirk & Dagger for a really long time and we’ve watched his company grow from primarily offering take-that games to ones that accommodate the whole family. We continue to showcase their games including The Deadlies which was included in our list of card and dice games to reference for gift ideas. When they opted to give away a prize in our Mega Giveaway, the prize they put together is actually a package of their family titles including The Deadlies, Wooly Whammoth and ROLL for your Life Candyman. Use the form below for a chance to win this assortment of games!
I would pick The game of Life.
Gotta be the headliner: The Deadlies. Sounds fun!
I think Deadlies.
The Deadlies sounds awesome!
ROLL for your Life Candyman
Deadlies because it just looks really interesting…something about the artwork tells me I might really like it.
I think I would try Deadlies first.
I’d play The Deadlies first!
Wooly Mammoth sounds intriguing, so I’d play that one first.
I think I would try Wooly Whammoth with the kids first!
roll for your life candyman sounds very interesting
Which of the games in the prize package would you want to play first? I’d like to play Deadlies!
I would like to try Woolly Mammoth first!
The Deadlies looks interesting.
The Deadlies first.
I’d want to play The Deadlies first! I like the art direction. It makes it look fun.
The game Deadlies looks fun to play!
I think I would want to play Wooley Whammath first! This would be such a fun package to win!
I really wanna try the Deadlies
The Deadlies!!