Mega Giveaway Day 47 – Batman Animated Series Dice Game

We can’t seem to get our super hero fix. We watch TV series, go to movies and of course, play games – all with super heroes in the spotlight. We don’t take sides or select a particular franchise. One day we are happily engrossed in a Marvel movie and the next watching Gotham on our DVR. So naturally, we can’t pass up the opportunity to work with companies like Steve Jackson Games to spread the good word about games like Batman: The Animated Series dice game. That’s the reason we included it in our recent holiday list of dice games. And with it being the holidays and all, of course we want to have it as part of our Mega Giveaway! We’re throwing up the bat signal! Enter to win this dice game with the iconic Batman theme.
150+ Days of Giveaways – Day 47 – Batman: The Animated Series Dice Game
Christian Bale
Best Batman? The voice in the Batman animated series! Kevin Conway, I think?
Michael Keaton, just because it doesnt make sense but works
Michael Keaton
Christian Bale was in the best Batman movies… George Clooney was a great Bruce Wayne… Ben Affleck would have made a great Batman but has had a terrible interpretation of Batman to play
Kevin Conroy- he IS the voice of Batman!
Why, Batman of course! Just ask the LEGO Batman. 😉
Christian Bale
Adam West
Kevin Conroy
Adam West was the best Batman.
Michael Keaton
I think that Christian Bale played the best Batman.
Ben Affleck
Wil Arnett
Adam West
Adam West
Kevin Conroy is the definitive Batman.
Ben Affleck
Val Kilmer
Adam West I just loved the original!!
I think the best actor for the batman is Michael Keaton. He has all the facial and body features that is required to take on this role.
Lewis Wilson
The best Batman in my opinion was Michael Keaton.
I think Kevin Conroy was probably the best batman. I liked a few of the batmans though, Christian Bale did a great job too!
Michael Keaton!!!^_^
Adam West was the best Batman just love him! RIP
I have always considered Adam West to be the best Bat Man.
Adam West
Adam West
Michael Keaton
Not sure kids are way bigger fans then me
I like Christian Bale’s Batman.
Kevin Conroy
I think George Clooney was the best Batman.
Val Kilmer
Michael Keaton – I just found something dark but humorous about him in the role
Adam West.
Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton is my favorite.
Michael Keaton
Well, not to jump on the band wagon here, but I feel Christian Bale is Batman to me.
I like Christian Bale as Batman the best.
Adam West played the best Batman.
Michael Keaton is the best
Adam West is my choice.
Ben Affleck
I would say Micheal Keaton.
The best Batman was Michael Keaton.
Michael Keaton, hands down! “I’M BATMAN!”