Mega Giveaway Day 40 – Wombat Rescue Game
Did you happen to catch the recent Thor movie? Did you know portions of it were filmed in Australia? I’ve always wanted to visit there and hope someday to be able to do so. In the meantime, I’ll be getting my fix by watching movies and playing games that remind me of it. Our Mega Giveaway Day 40 prize, Wombat Rescue by Eagle-Gryphon Games is one example. Check out our gift guide to family games where you can learn more about Wombat Rescue and other gift ideas, get details on more games from Eagle Gryphon then enter to win it.
um.. I’m not sure, probably love it and take care of it. Not sure what all wombats need.
I’d find someone who knew how to take care of it, because I wouldn’t know!
You know, I’ve lived 41 years and never once thought about what I’d do if I rescued a wombat. I think, as someone else said, I’d bring him/her to a place that know how to best take care of wombats
No clue what to do with a wombat…guess I’d have to contact St. Louis zoo for advice.
Is there a Wombat Rescue Society somewhere?
I would love it.
I would love it and watch it poop.
I would call him George and I would hug him and pet him and squeeze him. . .
Wombat stew?
I’d hug the wombat! 😀
i would hug him and squeeze him til he is my very own and name him george
I’m not really sure, probably call Carolyn as she would know.
I would call the vet and ask them what to do with him.
I’d find a shelter that specializes in wombats, they are wild animals and it wouldn’t be right to try to keep it as a pet.
I would make sure it made somewhere safe to resume his/her life without any further threat.
After a daring rescue our Wombat would be dubbed Sir Wilbur Wombat and then we would located a proper home in a animal preserve or zoo for him being sure he had other fun wombat friends.
Call an animal rescue place/vet(if nothing else around me) to ask what I can do with it.
Take to an animal shelter
Take him to a re-habber or proper rescue facility
I would probably have to warm it up because it’s cold and snowy here, and then take it to an animal rescue because i wouldn’t have the right food for it.
I’d take the wombat to a proper rescue facility
dress it up in a tuxedo
I’d adopt it and give it a feast of Wombat Snacks (patent pending)! :p
No idea! Google wombat?
I’m not sure if Wombats can be kept as pets in the U.S.
If so, I might keep him and try to create a fun environment for him.
Otherwise… try to find someone involved in rescue/rehab to help him find a way home!
If I rescued a wombat I would love and cherish it like any other pet. The wombat is not the ideal pet but it for sure does fall into the category of being cute. Maybe I would start a zoo for wombats!
Set it free!
Nothing. Let nature run its course.
Buy him a plane ticket to Australia.
I would share it on social media and take advice from others. I would have no clue what to do with a wombat.
I haven’t got a clue! I’ve never even seen something like that in person!
What would you do if you rescued a wombat? Rehab it I follow groups on Facebook they are so cute
I think I would bring the wombat to the zoo to figure out what to do with it.
i’ll love him forever.
I have no idea, what is a wombat???????????????
Keep him of course.
I’d bring it to an animal sanctuary.
Bring it to an animal shelter, who would be confused, because wombats belong in Australia, right?
I would call my daughter the Zoo Keeper for advice.
Make Sure 2 Like Them And 2 B Afraid !!!
I’d teach it to fetch. Name it Rex, and teach it to walk on a leash. I’m sure it would be a good conversation starter.
Probably take it to the local rescue. But awwwww.
I would take him/her home and care for it.
I would take it to an animal protection service.
Would have to look up what it was have never seen one