Mega Giveaway Day 41 – Entropy: Worlds Collide Game
Passport Game Studios has us playing board games about outer space and a game about jumping around the board among other things. I wonder if these were the inspiration for Entropy: Worlds Collide, a game that jettisons players into the Nexus on a quest to piece things together to hop back home. It doesn’t matter because we’ve decided to make it Day 41 of our 150+ Days of Giveaways! Entropy: Worlds Collide can find its way to your home but you have to enter to be able to win!
150+ Days of Giveaways – Day 41 – Entropy: Worlds Collide Game
I have a great sense of direction. Everyone calls me Compass Head. I know my east, west, north, and souths no matter where I am. Captain Compass Head to the rescue!
Gotta go with Teleportation.
It seems Teleportation is the popular answer of choice, so just to be different, I’d want the ability to fly.
Super olfactory abilities… so I could smell my way home
A sense of direction which follows my heart’s desire
Transdimensional shifting!
I would put on my magical ruby slippers, click my heels 3 times and repeat “There’s no place like home,” until I get back here…hey, it worked for Dorothy!
able to fly like supergirl
My super power would be to be able to fly.
Teleportation (Nightcrawler!)
Time control. I would go back in time to before I got stuck there.
Super trivia question answering
While I’d love to have a super power of being able to speak and understand all languages, perhaps teleportation would serve me better in this situation.
pure old magic
I would fly, because
I am faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
It had better be the power of flight
powers like Doctor Strange
Time travel, if I knew the secret of creating a teleporter or had one from the future then I could go anywhere
Teleporter ability
First things first, I’d need to be able to breathe without oxygen.
The ability to have whatever power I wanted! haha
Insanity, I’d just delude myself into thinking I made it back. Its worked so far.
If I was in another world I would use the power to manipulate other beings as a ticket back into my world.
Being able to create portals that could transport me back home.
I’m exceptionally resourceful and would use my MacGyver skills to help get me home!
super science genius
Become Rick
Turn myself into a spaceship.
I would like to have the ability to Teleport sounds like a good way to get home
Wouldnt it have to be teleportation if im in another world. I dont see any other power that could help.
The power to teleport.
If you were caught in another world, what super power would you use to find your way home?
Omnipotence. BAM!
Omniscience. Really, with that what do you need any other power for?
Immortality. That way no matter how long it takes, I’ll get back home.
How about extreme charisma and hitch a ride home.
Silver Surfer’s skillset seems pretty relevant
Everyone says teleportation but I think telekinesis would work as well.
Super intellect
Invisibility is my favorite Super Power to navigate my world.