Show Your Love with Hershey’s Products

Can you believe it’s already February? Weren’t we celebrating Christmas just a few weeks ago? It’s always hard to tell what holiday is really upon us because we saw Valentine’s gifts already on shelves before Christmas even reached us. Of course, there’s one that that’s great about it… those giant sized Reese’s hearts. They’re my favorite Reese’s product throughout the year! Okay, that’s a lie. I love all Reese’s products equally.
Of course, for Valentine’s Day, the packaging allows you to share them with others. You know, if you’re the type to actually share your Reese’s. Our school is pretty tight on allowing peanut products in the classrooms because there are soooo many nut allergies. Miss K’s class actually has no food allergies at all this year so everything is allowed. It’s the first time we’ve had zero allergies one of the girls’ classrooms.
Hershey’s has other products, such as Jolly Rancher, that are perfect for giving to classmates. They’re adorable and can easily be added to a homemade valentine or be given simply by themselves.
Hershey’s showcases some fun crafty ideas on their Celebrate with Hershey’s website! Aside from the ideas for crafting your own Valentine’s, they also have recipes, free eCards and other fun links for Valentine’s Day. You can amp up your baking with Rollos, Kisses and other Hershey’s products. I’m hungry now.
Okay, I have to say that there is one thing better than going to the store and buying Hershey’s products. Winning a prize pack of Hershey’s products! Use the Rafflecopter form to easily enter to win a variety of Hershey’s products.
Even if you’re like me and can’t bake… or craft… with everything from giant Hershey’s Kisses to Roses filled with chocolates, there’s bound to be something for the love in your life. You can connect with Hershey on Facebook or catch up with Hershey’s Kisses, Reese’s and Jolly Rancher on Twitter.
Yum, Reese’s peanut butter cups! And what is it about the heart and egg shape that makes them so much better? I’m thinking it’s more peanut butter.
oh, hersheys. how i love your kisses. i really, really do!
My husband loves the Reeses too in any shape or form!
YUM! Gotta love these for the kiddos Valentine’s!
Let the Valentine’s Day candy eating commence! Yum!
Sweets for your sweetie! I love it!!
I love that you can write on the packages. All the kids want is the candy anyway not the card
Nothing says love like chocolate! I have a slight obsession with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! YUM!
Chocolate is all I want for V-day! What simple and easy valentines!
I love that you can write on the wrapper. I always feel guilty about throwing Valentine’s cards away … less guilt this way! 😉
Yum! My husband’s favorite and my favorite to put into ice cream!
I love Hershey’s candy and I love the Valentine’s packs. It makes getting valentine’s for my kid’s classroom so easy! We don’t have time to make up 26+ personalized Valentines for each kid to take to class….that would put us into the 70-80 handmade valentine’s range. uhm…no thanks. So I love to buy these bags of candy and have my kids write the classmates names on them. Saves me a huge headache every year.
How awesome! We love some good chocolate! YUM!
WOW, we absolutely adore Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Love that we can get them for V-Day!
MMmmmm, I love Hershey’s. The kisses, the peanut butter cups, jolly ranchers. I love them all! Gimme! lol
I have no plans on getting crafty for Valentines This is right up my alley.
We love Hershey and this time of the year their chocolate is the perfect fit..loved your pictures..the girls are getting sooo big
I know what I want for Valentine’s Day! Reeses!
I’m a fan of Reese’s in any size or shape! Those jolly rancher pops are definitely perfect to put into Valentine’s, we did that several times when my kids were younger.
Love this brand, they offer so many yummy choices!
I love how this sort of Valentine sweet goes beyond the flat cards we all gave out as kids! I just wish I liked chocolate. I know I know . . . who doesn’t like chocolate? Me. Hershey’s has tons of choices though for the chocolate lovers in our house, with Reeses being my daughter’s fav!
Now that is a Valentine worth giving or getting. I love the Rolos the most!
Those all look so yummy!
Yum! These all look so good!
We love Reeses, it is the worlds best candy…
These are always a hot favorite for my kids’ classroom parties.
I love all these treats! Great ideas for Valentine’s Day!
I will give them this, Hershey’s has some of the most unique holiday offerings when it comes to their products! I love how you can use a piece of candy as a Valentine. How cool is that?!
The kids would love these
I love Hersheys products and have for years! I keep their mini candies on my desk at work. I used to love Jolly Ranchers as a kid – but now Reese’s are my favorites! Happy Valentine’s Day Nicole!