Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Robots Game by Pandasaurus Games

Perception is an interesting thing. As we’ve seen by playing Hues and Cues, everyone perceives colors differently. While the name may lead you to believe otherwise, Robots from Pandasaurus Games is actually about time perception. This game for kids and adults alike is available on Amazon, but we’re giving away a copy as we wrap up this year’s holiday promotion. Use the many entry options in the widget to throw your name into the hat then come back each day until it closes for daily bonus options!
I would prefer medium speed.
I would like for it to move at medium speed.
Depends on what I had it doing! Probably medium for the most versatility….
SLOOOOOOOOOOw. That way it couldn’t accidentally break something.
Slow! So I could make sure it doesn’t take over…
Medium speed would work for me.
I would like fast .
Fast – Finish Quick
I would say it needs to be medium speed!
I would say medium speed.
Medium is perfect
Actually, medium speed. The better to control it I think.
I would choose for my robot to go medium speed. Too slow or fast would drive me nuts!
I would go with medium… not too slow, not too fast. 🙂
I would want my robot to not be too fast or too slow -so I guess that means medium speed for me!
It would have to be fast!
Medium speed
fast please
Medium seems like a good middle road.
Slow and steady wins the race. I’d go slow
medium speed