Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Animalchemists Game by CardLords
Do you remember us talking about BattleGoats a few years ago? Well, CardLords, the creators of that game have once again anthropomorphized creatures. This time, they’ve turned animals into alchemists. Appropriately named, Animalchemists, this game is small but mighty, earning it a spot in our guide filled with gift ideas for filling stockings. You can pick up a copy on Amazon or work your magic on the widget below to enter to win a copy!
I’d be a bee that can transmute one ingredient into another!
Alchemy is transmutation, by definition, and I’d be a cat….
Red Panda – Scorch
I’d be a unicorn and specialize in healing spells.
I would be a tiger and specialize in tonics.
I would be a cat sprcializing in spells .
Platypus specializing in poison spells for assassins. :0
If I was an animal alchemist, the animal I would be is a dragon and my signature spell is breathing fire.
I’d be a meerkat and signature spell would be creating a wall of protection.
I’d be a Panda that could roll over anybody.
I’d be a hyena and I’d be able to salvage broken stuff for pure parts
Damn! Looks nice 😀
I’d be a big, strong elephant and throw the crooked politicians and trespassers out of the White House!
Lion — Roar of Courage (inspire allies)
Looks great
I would be a cheetah and my signature spell would be invisibility.