Holiday Giveaways 2019 – Silver by Bezier Games

We have a special fondness for Silver by Bezier Games because we got a chance to play it (and tell you about it) before it was available to the public. In fact, the box on our demo game was put together by hand! It’s one of those games that are super-simple to teach, yet you can still appreciate the complexity of your decisions on each turn.
We’re giving away a brand new copy of Silver beginning today and watch for another giveaway later in the season for its sister game, Silver Bullet. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to win both and you can combine the decks for one big game! Enter now!
Silver has actually caught my eye
Cabo is on my want list!
I think Cabo sounds intriguing so it’s on the list now!
Silver and Ultimate Werewolf Legacy
one night ultimate alien looks very good.
Cabo would be my pick. Sounds cool
I’d like to try Werewords!
Cabo looks fun!
Cabo looks like a fun one.
Good Luck!
Ultimate Werewolf Legacy and Silver are on my wishlist.
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Thanks for the giveaway!
Suburbia Collector’s Edition
Castles of mad king Ludwig!
One Night Ultimate Super Villains
Cabo seems fun
One night ultimate super villains.
Suburbia would be a good fit with my family.