Sakura Game Giveaway

If you’re new to SAHM Reviews, then welcome. If you’ve been around for a while, thanks for continuing to visit! This past August you may have read our overview of Sakura from Osprey Games. The game isn’t overly complex, yet it is extremely unpredictable. It’s an excellent game that earned the first spot on our gift guide devoted to card games.
While we were able to give one away back in August, we’re happy to report that we’re also giving one away as part of our 2018 Mega Giveaway. How do you enter, you ask? Using the form below! Please take a moment to check out the other games from this fantastic sponsor and give them a shout-out on social media to let them know we appreciate their participation!
any of their dont own any
Odin’s Ravens
The Secret Santa game isn’t on my wishlist, but I wouldn’t mind getting the game and not the fruitcake. I’m fruity enough!
Samurai Gardner is on my wishlist now!
High Society Card Game – I love the pictures!
I have Star Cartel on my wish list. I would also like High Society!
Sakura looks the most appealing to me.
I’ve heard good things about Sakura. Once I get to try that one, maybe I’ll go from there….
LONDON GAME looked interesting.
Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space Game looks exciting!
The Star Cartel Card Game is on my wish list.
Looks interesting.
Sakura looks like a neat and easy to travel with game.
I love High Society, the artwork is amazing!
Sakura, Samurai Gardner, Shahrazad (sp?)…
Escape from the aliens in outer space
Escape from the aliens in outer space
High Society Card Game
I would love to play the High Society Card Game
High Society. Looks like an interesting game, and I’ve been a fan of the artist for years
The High Society Card Game is on my list.
Star Cartel and High Society are both on my game wishlist!