Exodus: Paris Nouveau Game Giveaway

Full on confession here… I have NO poker face. I’ve explained before that when playing games that require you to lie, I often don’t fare well. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them. Actually, I play them quite frequently in hopes of being able to improve my abilities at these types of games. There are a variety that are strategic, such as Liar’s Dice or Sheriff of Nottingham where everyone is on their own.
Then there are ones that involve teams of people and the goal is to find your team and achieve your team’s goal. Exodus: Paris Nouveau from Indie Boards and Cards is one of those and it happens to be the latest prize in our Mega Giveaway! We recently included this in our list of card games that make great gifts because it is affordable, compact and can even fit in some stockings. Pick up a copy to give to someone on your shopping list then enter to win a copy for yourself!
I’m terrible at lying, but enjoy it nonetheless.
Sure. Not a good one….
It depends on my moods. I am not good at lying. My kids can tell some times, if I mean
business or not.
Yes, many years of hold em helped me develope my poker face.
Yes, my friends have raised multiple concerns regarding my lack of emotion while playing social deduction games.
If someone doesnt know how to get my silly side going then yes, otherwise I am toast.
Nope lol
If I know what I need to say I can pull it off. But if I have to think of a lie and give it, it’s much harder.
Yes I do!
I think I have a poker face. But if someone looks at me funny, then I can’t keep it.I break down.
I like to think I have a poker face but my wife would disagree.
Most the time unless against my wife lol.
Yes I am pretty good with the poker face, actually!
This IS my happy face. Honest.
I completely fail at having a poker face, but I can more than make up for it with false reactions.
This game looks great, maybe it will be in my sticking this year!
Yes, I can bluff my way through a deduction game.
I try – but it’s probably not a very good one.
Yes, my poker face is pretty good!
No, Oh I don’t think so
I don’t have a poker face.