Mega Giveaway Day 149 – Ion Game

Your goal is to build a compound. Not the kind where you live, but the scientific version! Not sure what I mean? Check out the Ion game overview we posted back in 2016 and you’ll understand! We featured this card game in our holiday list of STEM gift ideas and continue to appreciate how it makes learning principles of science (including the periodic table) entertaining! Read more about Ion from Genius Games then enter to win a copy of it right here!
Flash cards
Learn a new element a day and then repeat the process about three times.
Songs for sure.
First thing… make sure you call it the period-ic table.
Flash cards, but I think a game would be best.
Word Association
Make a game of it using flash cards.
I don’t know, I learned it in chemistry and have forgotten it all.
Create a mnemonic
Listen to “The Element Song” by Tom Leahrer manytimes.
I never learned it, so my advice will not be sufficient
A song, for sure.
Make them lyrics and add it to catchy music!
I still sing the alphabet song
Honestly I have no idea. It always came pretty easy to me so I don’t really know any specific ways.
flash cards
While I really enjoy “The Element Song”, it goes too fast for me to memorize. So I just had to do mnemonics.
flash cards
I remember watching an animated video to help.
Listen to the elements song by Tom Lehrer.
Make a game of it
Games and songs
flash cards and a lot of repetition
What’s a period table?
Do the animaniacs have a song for the periodic table like they do the countries of the world? That’d be my best advice
I agree with the comment about calling it by the correct name– PERIODIC table. But otherwise, flash cards would probably be one of the best ways to learn it.
We used flash cards and that worked well.
Ugh. Repetition? Work on a mnemonic or a song and try to associate them one way or another. There is a lot there and it is not an easy task.
Use the song by Tom Lehrer
Turn it into a song!
flash cards
Create a mnemonic:
LiBeBCNOFNe and NaMgAlSiPSClAr are still stuck in my head over 30 years after I first took Chemistry in high school.
A catchy song helps me learn and remember items.