Mega Giveaway Day 100 – Empires: Galactic Rebellion Game

On Day 1 one of our 100+ Days of Giveaways, we started with Vinhos Deluxe from Eagle-Gryphon Games. Here we are, 100 days later, and we are have come full circle back to Eagle-Gryphon Games! This time, they have offered Empires: Galactic Rebellion as the prize.
Don’t fret; we aren’t done yet! Although the end is near, we still have some great prizes from awesome companies yet to close out our 2016 Mega Giveaway. Enter to win Empires: Galactic Rebellion then support Eagle-Gryphon on Facebook and Twitter. If you see anything that interests you, let them know which of their games you would like to see featured here in the coming months.
100+ Days of Giveaways – Day 100 – Empires: Galactic Rebellion
Star wars
Star Wars!
Star Trek
Star Wars
Star Trek
My all time favorite is star trek
Star Wars
Star Trek!
Robotech for TV show.
2001: A Space Odyssey for movie
Book: The Dune series.
I love Star Wars.
I’m currently reading The Descender and Saga and i love love love!
Star Trek!
Star Wars
Star wars
Star Trek
I like Star Wars, Firefly and Dune!!
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy!!!!
Rogue One
Firefly or star wars
Star Wars
My favorite Galactic movie would be Star Wars.
My favorite is Star Wars.
Firefly is my favorite Galactic show… love it so much!!!!
book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Star Trek and all the spin-offs.
Firefly! The show that was cancelled way too soon! Even though tons of fans protested! I liked the movie Serenity from that show also! A real classic!!
Battlestar Galactica and Edward James Olmos is “The Man”.
My favorite galactic movie is Guardians of the Galaxy. Thank you for the fun giveaway.
Star Wars.
Stargate Universe was my favorite.
Tough Call.
Book: Foundation series.
TV: Star Trek
Movie: Star Wars
Star Trek
My favorite movie is Return of the Jedi.
Star Wars