Mega Giveaway Day 101 – Moop’s Monster Mashup Game

Day 101, people. It’ s a total mashup of craziness at this point. So I’m going to cut to the chase and announce that one lucky SahmReviews reader will win Moop’s Monster Mashup thanks to the generosity of Steve Jackson Games. You can find more information about this game in our 2016 Card Games Gift Guide.
Be sure to thank our sponsors and encourage them to mark their calendars to participate in our gift guides and Mega Giveaway again next year!
Cheshire Cat
the cat!
My Favorite is the cat
The Cheshire Cat because he’s very funny, silly, mysterious, insane, sneaky, cunning, mischievous and unpredictable
The Cheshire Cat is my favorite character.
The mad hatter
My favorite Wonderland character is the Cat.
Cheshire Cat.
Chesire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
The Mad Hatter
My favorite character is the Cheshire Cat.
I love the Mad Hatter!!!! Or or or the Queen of Hearts!!!
I played the Cheshire Cat in a high school performance, so that’s my pick.
The Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat are pretty much tied for me.
The white rabbit!
The White Rabbit
I also liked the Mad Hatter in Alice In Wonderland.
Queen of Hearts
The White Rabbit was always my favorite Wonderland character!
The Mad Hater was always my favorite!
The Jabberwocky!
The rabbit
Lol, the flowers. 🙂 She’s a WEED?!!
mad hatter