Mega Giveaway Day 23 – Escape From Colditz Game

You know we are big proponents for integrating games into education. Our Day 23 prize is from a company that took their knowledge of history and started making games! Osprey Publishing‘s game, Escape from Colditz brings history to life and one lucky SahmReviews reader will win it!
We recently featured Escape from Colditz in our Games for Teens and Adults Gift Guide. Check it out, learn more about the game, stop by Facebook or Twitter to tell Osprey Publishing thank you for joining our Mega Giveaway then enter to win!
The Great Escape
The Prisoner
I loved the show prison break. Very good seasons 1-2. Then not as good the rest, but still good.
More of an Escape From New York guy
The Prisoner
My favorite TV show about escaping, is LOST. They had to find their way off the island. (then SPOILER, back on to it) 🙂
The Great Escape.
Not a category I normally keep track of. I’ll go with The Running Man, an old one but stuck in my head for the age I was when it came out. I should probably go back and watch it again, though now it would be dated which might deteriorate my good memories.
Probably the Running Man.
Great TV show: Prison Break
Escape To Witch Mountain
The Great Escape
Escape from New York is my favorite movie about escaping.
The Great Escape
I always was a fan of Prison Break!
Escape from New York.
Hogan’s Heroes (even though they could easily escape and never did!)
the great escape
I like O, Brother Where art Thou?
i didnt think of this one but awesome choice!!!!
The Phone Booth…not the absolute best, but I thought it was amazing that they made an entire full-length movie about a guy trapped in a phone booth.
Stalag 17
The Great Escape is a classic and still my favorite.
The Fugitive, the original tv show.
Favorite movie about escaping is The Raid: Redemption.
The novel The Count of Monte Cristo and the movie Papillon.
The Prisoner tv show
The fugitive
prison break
The Shawshank Redemption
I think Alien is my favorite escape movie. Not typical in how it presents escape, but it’s fantastic!
The Great Escape.
Escape from Sobibor
Firefly! No question!!!