Mega Giveaway Day 27 – Ninja Dice Game

It’s Monday. Bleh. At least it’s almost over. Mondays can be the worst as they stealth in to ruin a perfectly good weekend. So we’re getting all Ninja-stealth right back at Monday with our Day 27 prize, Ninja Dice! Thank you to GreenBrier Games for giving away a copy to one of our SahmReviews readers!
You may recall seeing Ninja Dice featured in our gift guide focused on Dice Games. If not, I encourage you to stop over and check out the list again!
Next time you’re on Facebook and Twitter, please say thank you to GreenBrier Games (and our many other sponsors) for participating in our Mega Giveaway. Without all of them, this fantastic and fun promotion wouldn’t be possible.
Has to be TMNT all the way! 😀 Old school version, of course. Go ninja, go ninja, go!
Does Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles count to be my favorite? I can’t think of any Ninja movies right now.
Ninja Scroll (back when I was 14!!!)
Ninja Scroll, don’t watch it with kids!
I love the horrible Surf Ninjas
You Only Live Twice (if you can call that ninja-themed).
Ninja Cheerleaders
The Last Dragon
TMNT cartoon from the 80’s
Kung Pow 😉
Definitely Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. It’s kind of about ninjas.
Book: My Grandma is a Ninja
Great picture book!
Beverly Hills Ninja with Chris Farley.
Favorite book(s) would be the “Tales of the Otori” series by Lian Hearn. Movies open up a gold mine of schlock. Let’s say “Ninja 3: The Domination,” an all-time great for silliness and ninjas who flip out and go on golf course murder sprees 🙂
Shaolin Soccer
American Ninja!
dont have one
My fav is TMNT! I like the old school ones, but my kids like the ‘modern’ version!
When I was growing up I was a HUGE fan of 3 Ninjas, yes I know the movies are lame but I loved them and could still sit a watch them all again 🙂
I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
All of the Kill Bill movies.
Kung Pow!
The old school The 3 Ninjas movies…we just watched them with my daughter last weekend!