Mega Giveaway Day 28 – Letters to Santa

It’s Day 28 of our holiday giveaway! Have you started writing your Letters to Santa yet? If not, now is the time! This festive game was one that we featured in part two of our list of games for the family so grab a copy from Amazon or enter to win one. When you are done entering this one, be sure to head back to the beginning and enter the other current giveaways! The first of our 44 days of giveaways are starting to close but there are still plenty to enter!
Thanks to Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) for helping us get in the Santa spirit with the prize for today’s giveaway.
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Dear Santa,
Please help me figure out a way to pay down my husband’s student loans quicker.
All I want for Christmas is to win something free.
I would tell Santa that I have everything I want or need and just to bring my kids something from off their wish list.
I want to get some gifts for my sons.
This would be a great start to my holiday season!
great prize
thanks for the chance
In letter to santa i would ask for a plystation 4
I’m sending my letter to santa!
I would ask why I have to be providing all the presents. I thought that was his job.
I would tell Santa thanks for making my kids so happy when they were small.
I would tell Santa to step up his game. I didn’t get squat this year. 🙁
My son loves Christmas. He gets so excited for Santa. He would love this game.
Thanks for the giveaways!!
to win this game