Getting Work Done on the Go

Things have been pretty busy lately both online and offline. The kids are involved in a lot of activities, SahmReviews is expanding and receiving multiple requests to review products, to attend media events, to participate in research studies, to speak on panels at trade shows and to represent brands in other capacities. This has translated to a lot of work (and play) and limited hours in the day to get it all done. Every usable minute matters.
I’m pretty connected and can do a lot of simplistic work from my phone but when the schedule means being away from the office for days at a time, having a realistic, usable solution is critical. For several years, I’ve gotten by with my tablet but often felt like I was handling just the basics. I didn’t have my regular email program with normal formatting and a professional signature. I wasn’t able to create quality blog posts and embed the necessary photos or content. There wasn’t any simple way for me to do work and move between tabs in the browser as I looked thing up and loaded them into a blog post or social channel. I was getting some things done but not well and certainly not efficiently.
There ARE options and I’m glad that I’ve finally discovered how simple the solution is. Having the right tools is important in any business. The right tool in this case is an Intel 2 in 1. Let me give you a few examples.
A few weeks ago, I was in Chicago to speak on a marketing panel at the International Toy & Game Innovation Conference followed by some activities at the Chicago Toy and Game Fair media breakfast. Travel is part of the job but this is a busy time of year and there were things I needed to complete. Deadlines. Projects. Business. Being able to work on the projects while on the go was possible thanks to my Intel 2 in 1.
Last week I was out of town meeting with a client. I had a lot of time in airport terminals, on airplanes and in hotel rooms. I also had quite a bit of time as a passenger in a car. Being able to get thing accomplished on the go was imperative. Did I mention how much I relied on my Microsoft Surface 2 in 1? I did. I relied on it a lot.
Of course, there are things at home that need to be done in-between all the rest of the chaos, work and kids’ activities. Simple things like getting an oil change has to be done during work hours. Once again, I was able to keep the ball rolling with projects even while sitting in a waiting room at the car dealership.
Until I had my Microsoft Surface Pro 3, I didn’t realize just how much down time I really had. So many times that I could have been getting something done but didn’t. I feel like my life is more productive.
Whether you have online shopping to do, homework for school, work, volunteer projects or some other activity that needs to be done using a computer, this is a great solution to getting something accomplished when you’re on the go. What activities do you feel like you can’t get completed when you’re away from your home or office?
Great advice and ideas – what I do on the go? Checking my emails and social media from my phone – YAY
I am not very tech savvy like you! I just check on my Tablet or phone when I am not at home. I like making sure to keep in touch when I am on the go!
I will have to check out the intel 2 in 1. The reasons you explained is why I don’t use my tablet for work, it’s just for pleasure. But it really can be a helpful tool when I’m on the go. Thanks for the suggestion.
I am so in love with the awesome features on the Microsoft Surface Pro 3. I want one of these soon. Would be great for travel. Seems like you can do everything on this and get stuff done in a breeze.
I would just love to have one of those, not sure I’ll be able to justify it to my husband.
Tech savvy I am not but I would love to be able to read books on the go–like when I have to drive my Mom to an appointment and then sit there and wait for her. Now I actually bring a book-but it would be nice to be reading on the computer-checking emails etc etc etc etc.
I mainly use my laptop for everything, but it’s onld and I need a new one. I have a Surface 2, and it’s handy for some things, but Windows 8 drives me crazy! It this one on Windows 8 as well? I’d love to know.
It definitely sounds useful. I notice the non-productive nature of down time these days too!
this would be really great to have, especially if your away from home for appointments and kids sporting events.
Congratulations on your success! It has been amazing here with you, hope you’ll get even bigger and get your voice heard even further!
I NEED this!! Many times I’m sitting at an afterschool practice or doctor’s appointment thinking that I could put some grades in the computer, or type up a quiz for the next day. My tablet is great for playing games but not really useful for anything else.
Sounds like something I need too. I would love to be able to get extra work done when I am on the go.
It’s so important to be able to work while traveling. I love my Intel 2 in 1. It’s so flexible!
You look like me, wherever I have internet my laptop is right with me, it’s a blogger must!
I’m like you – I need to make every minute count because I am so super busy. I recently got a tablet with INTEL inside and it is sooooo awesome! Makes life easier.
I do need a new laptop… Thanks for the review!
I’ve had a laptop of some kind with me for the last 10 years and it’s really improved my productivity, especially since I ride public transit to and from work.
I’m more productive now!
great item to have!
I really love intel
I really want to open a blog this next year, and I trust intel for quality products because I know that they won’t let me down in this pursuit.
I definitely trust Intel because they have the best products! I have an Intel laptop and it definitely helps me be more productive since I’m self-employed and use it for my work. I can work from anywhere I want and still be productive. 🙂
I’ve always used in tell processors.
They are the best.
Wow… it´s a must!!
I would have never said a Microsoft Surface is a helpful device. But I had the chance to try it with my boyfriend’s mum and I must say it’s even better than my laptop! More versatile but still powerful! A well done device, in my opinion.
I would like to use one for at home work(:
Intel helps me be more productive due to its ability in its processor to handle multiple tasks on pc utilizing its cores.
I use Intel for many different tasks. Gaming, Streaming videos, Media Server, Media PC, laptop used for School work, working from home, ripping videos from disc to put on my media server! I love how powerful they are and that they aren’t space heater power hogs!
Looks pretty cool
Great advice and review
I’m using intel now, i5 processor in my Dell or I wouldn’t be here typing this right now. I wear computers out! I’m on about my 15th (lost track really) in the Last 20 years. (Dec. 23) will be 20 yrs since the day I bought my first IBM in Orlando. I even gave it to my brother 4 yrs later when I upgraded. He had it until 2005 when it finally died and I was saving it for parts when my house burnt down in 2008 or I would still have it. So yes, intel has been a part of my life for 20yrs now….20 yrs exactly in 1 week!!!! WOW!!
I love how versatile this laptop is! You’ve prove how many ways it can be used and I’m impressed!
I’ve got an intel i5-4590 pu tin my new computer last year. Love it to pieces. Coupled with a SSD it’s pretty fast.
Glad to hear things are going well for you, or at least they were two years ago when this was written. I am a fan of mobile computing, I use a laptop for my work as a programmer. Though I would not like to consistently use a chrome/ultrabook, tablet, or something of that size. I prefer a good sized keyboard and screen with a rugged case. If it was more of a computer just for when I was on the go I could do it. Or one for the kids as we travel, that would keep them occupied and work well, especially with a touch screen.
Intel processors seem to have the best compatability
It’s a very good idea to help childrens:-) Do it forever!
up until 2 week ago I had a tablet for 7-8 yrs.. and it died…and its real dead…. i am a wife, Mom and stay home Nana to my 3 yr old grandson. I became aware of Intel inside back in the late 1990s … and i know having intel inside is everything good for the buyer/user . I adopted the internet and use it everyday to find coupons and sales and deals, contests and most of all the kewl educational apps for my grandson. Now that the tablet died .. i got an old pc thats grinding and just not able to share it with the grandson, i am completely lost without it…. im on the go but running in circles now .. i need intel … and so does my grandson..:-) This would get us back on top and busy again..:) tyvm for hosting..:-)
makes for quick updates while on the go.
Nice way to give back
That laptop is awesome!
The Intel powered Surface is truly one gadget I would love to have
My situation is a little different than most. I was just diagnosed with Last Stage COPD & have been disabled for awhile. However, I am on my computer much of the time doing volunteer work and entering contests for my kids & grandkids. The volunteer work gives me a purpose…makes me feel I am still contributing in some way & that helps with mental & emotional feelings. I am divorced & live with my daughter & son-in-law & so grateful to have them. Without technology, I’d be really lost!
Intel makes my life so much more productive by allowing me to do things while riding as a passenger on the road!
Every laptop and PC i owned was run by Intel, LOVE INTEL
Everything I own is run by Intel. Love it! It helps me stay connected to my family. Thanks!
The last time I bought a computer, I made sure the processor was an Intel one. It’s fast too!
I am disabled and don’t get out as much as I used to, so I do rely on my p.c. to keep in contact with the outside world – my family & friends, pay bills, use it as a fax machine, and do some shopping. Something powerful and fast like Intel has made my life easier!
I drive my son and my great nephew nuts because when it comes to computers im a ditz I use my phone on the go to help my mom order stuff for new home
Sounds like a very nice device.
great idea intel !
Are these the best???
Yes Intel’s the best!!!!
Intel helps me be more productive by keeping my computer up to speed 🙂 and by constantly growing as a company.
Good read! My wife is a power Mom and a power businesswoman. Tech savvy as can be!
Cool ideas! I’ll keep this article in mind for the future!
Whoa! The Intel 2 in 1 sounds like a dream! I need the motivation to be more productive, THIS just might be it. I am so happy you found what works for YOU! Great post.
awesome feature with the intel 2 in 1
Intel + Microsoft?
Good combo!
Having the right tools is always the answer to having things done in the good way.
Yes, many things cannot be done on a phone and having a laptop would be a big time saver. I know for me just being able to google a recipe saves so much more time than searching through a pile of recipe books or the hundreds of magazine snipped recipes I’ve collected over the years. Time is money and I’m all about saving that. Great post!
I absolutely love the size of this! it has all the capabilities of a laptop but I can throw it in my purse and use it on the go!
This article is so helpful!
This is one Product i would love to win. A phone you cant do everything you want to on. Such A Great Giveaway..
Intel helps me process!! How productive is that???
Great ideas on how to use a laptop on the go!
I got a tablet for Christmas. I’ve been trying to get more done on the go but it is tough. I like a keyboard though and the compact size of the Intel seems perfect for the lap.
This would be great for vacations!
Intel is the only brand I choose when getting any computer, laptop or pc.
Wow the Intel 2 in 1 sounds awesome. I bet it would be so easy to use on the go compared to trying to use a small phone screen for everything.
One of the top device I want to won in 2017. I just wish if I could get it from SAHMReviews
My life on the go isn’t very productive at the moment as I struggle to keep my laptop from freezing or charged.
I am semi tech and know some things so I like that intel helps me with everyday things like travel places food restaurants it just helps me out so much
I’m currently tied to my home computer. It would be wonderful to have a traveling computer.
I would love to have one to help make my life a little easier but as it is I dont even have a cellphone….luckily I have access to WiFi at home!!
intel helps so much with windows 10 getting everything done in efficent time and its time saving .
Intel is amazing if there wont be intel our life would be worse because it help microsoft to get everything what they want to get better devices
Congrats to you. This would be so awesome to have. It would really help with my work and what not.
I would just love to have one of those, not sure I’ll be able to justify it to my husband.
fantastic products!
I see so many friends and others on the move with their laptops. I know its about time I catch-up the tech!
I not use to having anything like this we use a little tablet .this would be awesome.
Intel helps me get this done for personal business a lot quicker.