Thrift Treasure: Laser Khet 2.0

Imagine the classic game of chess. But with lasers! Yes, lasers! A mix of old and new makes up our latest thrift find: Laser Khet 2.0
We had seen this game for sale on the store shelves, but at $39.99 couldn’t justify the price not knowing if the girls would be into it. Boy were we wrong! Fortunately this nearly-new copy only ran $3.38 at the local Goodwill and it sure was money well spent.
There are different ways to officially set up your pieces to begin the game. Shown here is the basic setup and the various pieces. In a nutshell, your object is to utilize all the Egyptian-themed pieces to either block or reflect (using mirrors) your laser beam and shoot the other person’s pharaoh (king piece).
Each person takes a turn moving or turning their pieces while predicting the path of their laser. At the same time they must consider the other player’s laser and how their move will affect its path. It is possible to shoot your own pharaoh and lose the game if you’re not careful!
Hitting other pieces in the side will remove them from the board, regardless of the color of the piece (ie. lasers are dangerous). Game play is usually about 10-15 minutes before a pharaoh takes it in the chin.
Laser Khet 2.0 really requires a lot of forward thinking, a skill we definitely feel our girls should develop. At 9 & 11 they caught on rather quickly (too quickly, as I lost 2 out of 3 games…), and would probably be well understood by anyone 7 and up. The inclusion of two working lasers is probably the reason for the 9-99 age recommendation on the packaging.
While not an official company video, this is a great intro into how the game is played.
Among the various awards they’ve already won, probably the most prestigious is the Mensa Select National Competition Winner seal proudly displayed on both sides of the box. Learn more about Laser Khet 2.0 on their website and by following the on Facebook and Twitter. Right now they’re available on Amazon for more than 30% off!
Would you believe I’ve not heard of this before? Looks like a great game for the older kiddos!
This would be awesome for my nephews! This looks so neat!!!!
That is super cool, my kids would enjoy this game!
This looks like such a neat game and one that my niece would enjoy.
I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of this game before. It looks really cool!
Such a unique game! I’m a brainiac, so I’m going to have to go online and buy this today… lol. Thanks!
This looks so fun! Definitely unique and a new type of challenge!
This looks like a lot of fun.. we love game night and I bet the kids would get a kick out of this..thanks for a great review
CRAP!!! That is SUCH an amazing discount for a truly outstanding game! Cool that your girls like it 🙂
i love a good thrift store score!!!
Thats a pretty sweet deal!
While I have never ever played Chess even once in my life, I do have several people in my life that would find this the epitome of cool!
Looks like a fun game to play!
Whoa – that is a cool game!
I have never seen this but it looks like fun and I bet my kids would love it.
that is one fancy cheeseboard, its nice that they modified the game’s appearance for many years now.
I will definitely check this out, this is something that my kids would enjoy!
Oh my heavens! I want one like that for my little man. Oh how fun with the laser too. What an awesome find.
This looks really cool, a great way to get kids interested in chess by making it more interesting with those lasers. Great find!
Man you’ve got some great thrift stores around you. Cool stuff!