M&M’s or Coal in Your Stocking

A couple years back I got coal in my stocking. Yes, I said coal. From my mother-in-law. I’ll let that digest for a minute… Those of you that know me know there is no way I could have done ANYTHING at all to deserve that kind of treatment. 365 days a year I’m a textbook angel. (and a great fibber) I still have that lump of coal stashed away though, she’ll get it back someday one way or another!
You know what I really wanted in my stocking? Chocolate snacks or video games! Who doesn’t?! It should be so easy – they even make this new pre-bagged candy-coated version that doesn’t melt in your hand (or stocking)! What is this marvelous invention called? Duh. M&M’s
As I’ve hinted here, the xBox One is on my Christmas wish list AND the family all knows we love the Forza line of games. This should be a no-brainer, right? Like the old saying, if you want something done right, just do it yourself.
First I have to figure out how to get myself the xBox One. That’s where this great Pixel Art Contest comes into play (pun intended). All you have to do is use M&M’s to create your own ‘pixel art’ of something video game related and you have a random chance of winning an xBox One of your own along with some more M&M’s!
In case you haven’t seen them before, you can see how I created a number of entries by scratch (no cheating with online beading patterns!).
You can also see what other people are making with their M&M’s. To be honest I had so much fun with them, I even created a stop-motion video of one of the company logos!
Next is to pick up a copy of the new Forza 5 since I’m positive I have the contest all wrapped up. Nothing wrong with this plan, eh? Even better, right now you can get a $10 eGift card via text when you buy Forza 5 and $8 worth of M&M products.
Easy as pie. I purchase both items, snap a photo of them with the receipt and text it to 811811 and sit back and wait for the money to roll in.
So ‘mom’, get with the program. No more coal please. I took care of Forza 5, pick me up an xBox One just in case someone else gets luckier than I in the contest. And some M&M’s while you’re at it.
Obviously since I’ve been nice this year I get a stocking full of M&M’s. No coal for me!
I love M&M’s. Not so much of a gamer, but that deals sounds awesome. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for sharing! Have a couple of cousins and a brother who will go wild.
WOW! Sounds like a lot of great deals! I’m not a gamer although I do love M & M’s…in moderation! Great post!
wow, that is great… I do love m & m’s! Or as my little one says. M&m&m&M’s… ;o)
M&M’s and gaming not much better than that my family would say! I like the creativity of some of the pictures you have shown. Sounds like fun!!
HA HA I love M&Ms and I have it often, but never thought of making designs with them! LOL Lots of fun!!!!