Read the Fine Print

In case you hadn’t figured it out yet, I’m one of those people who has an opinion and loves to share it. I’ve been that way for as long as I can remember and I’m certain my parents would attest to that… as would my brothers. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to better understand the word-of-mouth concept stating “If you have a good experience, you tell one person. If you have a bad one, you tell 10.”
In 2003, I started working with BzzAgent and put a positive spin on the whole word-of-mouth thing. Why not encourage people to talk about their good product experiences? As part of the program, I would receive samples to try out as well as samples to share. During a BzzAgent campaign, I remember being introduced to Tropicana Pure Valencia… at which point, I confirmed the thought that not all orange juice is created equal.
Orange juice is one of those drinks that I’ve always gravitated to. As a kid, I remember mixing the frozen concentrate with water… all…the…time. If it went on sale, we would stock up. Now that I’m an adult, I buy the refrigerated stuff. It’s easy and for the most part, they all quench the craving. However, if we want good orange juice, we look for the fine print that says “Not from concentrate”. It’s a little pricier, but well worth it. Every once in a while, I convince myself to buy the “from concentrate” but upon drinking the first glass, I remember why the fine print is so important.
It’s not that I’m an orange juice aficionado, but I do love the stuff. Tropicana is my favorite brands with Simply Orange a close second. (FYI the Simply Orange is a slightly smaller container for about the same price as Tropicana so be sure to compare the price/unit if you’re trying to get the best value!)
But it’s that love of Tropicana that earned me the title “Juicy Insider” Ambassador. I am among a group of bloggers selected by Mom Central to spread the word about Tropicana and their new Juicy Rewards program. By purchasing Tropicana products, not only will you enjoy a quality product but you can also accumulate points (found inside the cap) toward non-juice purchases.
The program is currently in its infancy and the most universal coupons are for purchases made through partner stores such as Adidas, EA Sports Active and Coleman. The site touts 20,000 offers which includes area-specific discounts for water parks, batting cages, theme parks, museums and more. Unfortunately, those are very area specific. However, with Spring break and summer approaching and families starting to plan for vacations, it’s worth researching those destinations to see what offers are available. If you’re already planning a trip to say, Kennedy Space Center, it might be worth spending one point to get a $5 off general admission coupon that is valid for up to six people.
Keep in mind that the list and available offers will likely continue to grow – just as many affinity programs do.
I’m excited to be able to share this information with you and over the course of the coming months, will provide additional details.
(Edited: 1/2015 – Tropicana discontinued their Juicy Rewards program at a prior time. You can still enjoy the great product but there aren’t any rewards for doing so. Except for the taste. That’s a total reward.) If you’re interested in signing up for Tropicana’s Juicy Rewards program, do! It doesn’t cost anything and if you’re already buying the product (yum) then why not take advantage of the reward program? Immediately after you sign up, be sure to use the code MOMCE-NTRAL to receive 1 free point right from the start! Interested in more bonus codes?
Consider becoming a fan of Tropicana on Facebook or follow Tropicana on Twitter because I’ve already found bonus codes posted there, too!
And the next time you’re at the grocery store, remember to read the fine print to find Tropicana “never from concentrate” because not all orange juice is created equal.
I signed up for Tropicana Juicy Rewards months ago and I have used the points to get discounts on miniature golfing. We are a budget conscious family and we don't spend money on entertainment unless we have coupons so this program has been a boon to us.