Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write by Pandasaurus Games

Do you know someone who has is interested in dinosaurs? Invite them over for game night and play Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write from Pandasaurus Games! Even better, order a copy of it for them for the holidays! (Or maybe you already did when we posted about it in our card and dice gift guide.) Either way, here’s your chance to enter to win a copy for yourself! Use the form below today then stomp your way back each day and you’ll find that you can increase your chances of winning. Hurry before the giveaway goes extinct!
I just love Dinosaur Island and had a chance to play Rawr ‘n Write online via a demo last year. Great game – can’t wait to add DI: Rawr ‘n Write to my collection!
I’m most interested because it is Dinosaur themed.
I love all the dinosaur games from Pandasaurus!
It`s dinosaur theme
I am interested in the theme, building the amusement park!
My two boys loooove dinosaurs! I’m excited to roll those amber dice with them!
building an amusement park
The dinosaur-theme.
It’s the dinosaur-theme
I have the original and we love the park building aspect of it!
I like the idea of building an amusement park.
I like the idea of building an amusement park!!
I’d like to try a roll and write.
The Dinosaur theme. Dinosaurs liked parks.
all three intrigue me, but the roll and write the most of all
I like the building theme .
dinosaur theme
The dinosaur theme park is fun, and I always love a good roll and write!
I specifically like the building mechanics!
I love a good dinosaur theme!
I like the dinosaur theme as a roll & write.
All of those things intrigue me, especially the last part, building an amusement park.
It’s a roll n write. Dinosaurs don’t hurt. And Pandasaurus definitely helps too!
The dino’s! And I like the game this is based on
Hard to choose! Probably the dinosaur theme. I do like roll-and-writes, but there are so many out there. I’ve heard good things about this one though!
I love the dinosaur theme.
Dinosaur Theme got me
I love dinosaurs! Getting to retry Jurassic Park would be a bonus….
I love the theme and I love roll and writes, so this seems like a great game to me!
Would love to have my first rawr and write!
The dinosaur theme plus the building a park thing
The dinosaur theme get me and i really want to try this game!
Honestly, the thing that makes me most interested in this contest is that Pandasaurus made it. I’ve played other games by them and I know that their games are great.
The dinosaur-theme mostly
I think what first interested me was it being about building an amusement park.
I find most interesting the park building part
amusement park-thank you
I love the build your own amusement park theme, how fun! My kids would love that it is dinosaur themed as well.