Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Brew by Pandasaurus Games

When I first heard that Pandasaurus Games was releasing a game called, Brew, I thought it would fit into the same category as Homebrewers. I’m not ashamed to say I was wrong about this dice and worker placement game. It’s actually about brewing potions in an effort to restore balance to a chaotic forest where seasons all exist at once and the night and day cycle is wonky. While we could have included it in our guide to card and dice games, we felt it was better suited in our Games for Teens & Adults gift guide. Regardless of who it’s a good fit for or which of our guides it landed on, one this is certain: one of our readers will win a copy of Brew by entering through the form right below!
I would brew a peace and happiness brew for everyone.
Potion of concentration, so I can get back to work on my Masters and stop searching up board games!
I’d brew coffee or tea – those are the only potions I like
cure all sickness
If I could brew any potion, it would make me quite drunk. 😉
If I could brew any potion, it would bring instant healing to anyone who drank it
I would brew a potion that would make everyone happy! So there would be no more wars, fighting, murders, hate crimes, etc.
A healing potion for Mankind .
A healing potion. Cure for cancer.
Enchanted Plumes looks like a great stocking stuffer
it would cure my crippling depression
healing potion
Healing potion
Make it so I don’t have to eat food… more time for gaming!
I would brew a cure all illness potion.
Strength Potion
Health potions!
I would brew a potion to cure every type of Cancer.
health potions
Potion of wishes – to grant the person one wish they want!
I would brew a potion that would heal kidney disease in cats.
Pancreas regeneration
Yay Pandasaurus! Brew it up!
If I could brew any potion… I’d brew a virus neutralizer, and replicate it for all so we can finally be done with this pandemic and any future possibilities of one!
Potion of concentration, so I can get back to work on my Masters and stop searching up board games!
I’d brew a heaping kettle of Christmas joy, or coffee if we’re out of that.
Extreme focus, minimal distract-ability!
Abolish depression and provide higher learning capabilities with extreme log term memory
I would brew a potion that gives you heightened intuition and knowledgr
Like most others, I’d want to brew a healing potion to cure all ailments/illnesses
Make people tell the truth.
Unfortunately Santa did not deliver any of these games. Maybe next year.
Makes you fly.
So cool, thank you!
I would brew a flying + inmortality potion obviously xD
A healing potion