Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Luna Capital by Devir Games

My brain is currently captivated by all things relating to space travel thanks to For All Mankind, the series on AppleTV+. The timing is perfect, too, as we recently named Luna Capital as a family game to gift for the holidays. This game from Devir is about building on the moon and it’s making me want to plan a whole themed night around the subject. It’s not in the cards for us at the moment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give away a copy so someone else can start planning a lunar-themed game night! Snag a copy of Luna Capital on Amazon to gift (and play) over the holidays then enter to win this one!
no too scary
It would be interesting, although; it depends on whom your with.
No, I would be terrified!
I would be curious to go to the moon
No. The traveling alone would be too long! Plus I like to breathe without a helmet on my head.
I would love to go to the moon. So interesting!
Of course! As an adult, I would probably second guess it though.
I think it would be awesome but I am severely underqualified for traveling to the moon.
Has my interest
Absolutely! I’ve always been fascinated by space travel, astronomy, etc.
When I saw the first landing as a 45 year old but not now .
I’ll let someone else travel there and film it for virtual reality for my occulus go
yes it be cool to go to to the moon
I love that one of the ways to enter this contest is to visit Devir’s website. I don’t need an excuse to visit them! Plus, their customer service is top notch! Really helpful.
Yes, I would go to the moon in an instant.
Haven’t Everybody?
Yup, beam me up
Yes. Sounds great to me. Sign me up.
No. Space is like a much larger version of the ocean and I don’t care for the ocean. Vast and terrifying.
Doesn’t everyone?!?
of course!
Whilst I’d love to travel anywhere for the experience (including beyond Earth), I can’t help but focus on how under qualified I’d be, and would be hesitant to but in excessive amounts of hours for preparation..!
No, I’ve never wanted to travel to the moon.
60 years later, traveling to moon is still dangerous
Once there is a dirt (regolith) covered home, sure, why not.
Of course!!
Being on the moon would be scary
I think the ISS would be more interesting than the moon.
I’d love to go to the moon, just to double check its not made of Cheese lol
No, too dark!
I would love to go to the moon! Unfortunately, I do not have Apple TV, otherwise, I would be watching For All Man Kind. I love all the space race/ mission shows. The Right Stuff (series) on Disney+ was really good too!
No, I have never wanted to travel to the moon! Well, maybe when I was a little kid but I don’t remember.
Yes I’d love to go!
Yes interesting to travel to the moon
I have a fear of wide open spaces, so that’s a nope for me