Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Scarf-N-Barf by Steve Jackson Games

I’ve seen a lot of different themes of games over the years and some strike me differently than others. The visual and emotional reaction from the name Scarf-N-Barf from Steve Jackson Games is undeniable for me: hilarious. This card game was recently included in our suggestions for gifting family games this holiday season and we’re sure it will bring entertainment to many! If you know someone who will appreciate this kind of humorous game, grab a copy on Amazon so you have it in time for the holidays. If you win a copy in this giveaway, you’ll have it for your own game nights!
I have certainly gotten sick after a ride. The one where the floor drops really got me sick.
Yes, I got sick on a amusement ride. It ruined the whole day.
No, I seem to have an iron stomach. I have never been sick on a ride.
I got sick on the Gravatron when I was a kid .
I got sick on the Swings and it was not fun
Yes i have got sick on a ride
Gravitron got me before
I haven’t on an amusement park ride, but I did on an airplane.
As a kid I ate too much during a layover. I fell asleep, and woke up feeling sick. I ended up puking into the open suitcase of the person next to me
I always eat fair-food before, between and even during rides, I feel sick most of the time but I never throw up.
My parents taught me to wait to ride the rides for a while after I ate. So I have never gotten sick like this but have been around some people who did not follow that same advice.
Yep! I forgot to take my Dramamine and ate some park food before going on the big wheel that spins on its side
I used to feel sick in the car.
I have to say that I did. I was a rebellious kid.
Of course, after a couple of times I did stop.
There was nothing fun about barfing – YUK
No, mostly because I try not to overeat first
Yes, it happened once and I certainly learned my lesson
Yes! My son insisted that we ride Space Mountain 3 times back to back…we had chilli dogs for lunch!
Yes I have gotten sick after going on an amusement park ride after eating. Won’t happen again.
I never eat before going to an amusement park. Scared of the consequences.
I sure have. I don’t do well with things that spin really fast.
I only felt nauseous from a ride twice in my life.
no I have not
I have gotten sick after a ride but went on again after I felt better.