Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Cubitos by AEG

Yesterday we released our gift guide focusing on card and dice games. It’s filled with a variety of games with different themes, styles and price ranges. You can tell a lot by the cover, but I don’t think that’s the case with Cubitos from Alderac Entertainment Group. In my opinion, the box makes it look SpongeBob-ish when it’s actually a really cool dice game. Check it out on Amazon and if you agree that it would make a great gift for someone on your shopping list then add Cubitos to your cart. Come back here daily to add entries to the giveaway and increase your chances of winning a copy for yourself!
2 people on my list enjoy dice games
How to count! At least 7 in my family enjoy gathering around and chucking dice.
I have a few people that are fans of dice games.
Just 2
My grandkids love dice games. The adults would rather play card games lately.
Love this game tried on a game night and i have to get it on my collection
My friends love dice games
I think all of my family likes dice games, including extended family.
7 people I know on my list enjoy dice games!
6 people
All three of my kids .
5 people at least.
We have 4 people
On my list?! Just my brother, but i may have a get a game for group.
Maybe 1?
I think 3 or 4 of my friends and family enjoy almost every type of dice game
My wife and I love the tactile aspect of dice games! Can’t wait to hopefully play this!
Just a few, sadly.
At least 8 people in my family enjoy dice games!
I have probably 4 or 5 on my list that like dice games
I think 3 people
Not many, I may be the only one.
Well, my family does a Secret Santa instead of getting something for everyone and the person that I drew really enjoys dice games.
This game gets a lot of positive attention from gamers on board game geek
Probably about 3 of them enjoy dice games.
Actually few on my list this year really do
I don’t know that dice games are a favorite, but my whole family can play them…
Maybe 3
at least 2
Ouuu! This looks fun!
I can think about 3 people
Not many, but there are 1 or 2.
Not many.
Not many, around 4