Murder at Curst Mansion Game Giveaway

Want to step up your game night a bit? You can try a variety of new board games, venture out to an escape room nearby or take a cue from Raj on The Big Bang Theory and host a murder mystery party! If you’re not sure where to start, we encourage you to find a party game or pick up a copy of a party in a box from Red Herring Games. We’ll get you started by recommending you enter to win this giveaway for Murder at Curst Mansion!
It’s been years but the last time, we went all out – costumes, themed drinks, everything. Great time!
Should be an interesting game. Thanks for the chance.
It was a while ago, maybe a year or so.
I’ve done escape rooms, but never a murder mystery party!
It has been a very long time!
I hosted a murder mystery party at my place in January.
I did an improv game about a year ago.
I was at an event about 5 years ago.
I have never participated in a Murder Mystery event.
more than a decade ago
4 days ago I played Mysterium. I think that fits
Many many years go
Nothing like a good murder mystery and I want to solve it 😉
Last week at work. We have an annual mystery every year.
Its been many years
Good luck everyone. I have not tried one yet.
I played “Murder at Blood Mansion” a couple months ago.
I have never participated in a murder mystery event. Sounds fun though.
I have never participated but it sounds like fun
I haven’t participated in a murder !mystery event.
I never have!
i have never participated in a murder mystery game or event
I haven’t participated in a murder mystery game or event before.