Tumball Game Giveaway
Dexterity games and I don’t exactly go together like peanut butter and chocolate. I’m usually pretty terrible at them, but even a smushed Reese’s still tastes good. In other words, even when I don’t do well, I still have a lot of fun. One example is Tumball from Megableu USA. A platform of balls are suspended in the air and your goal is to stack on top of it. We included it in our holiday guide filled with games for younger kids, but it’s also a lot of fun for older kids and adults. I’ve played it more than once and enjoyed it every time. Don’t drop the ball on this opportunity to win a copy of Tumball!
I recently played Don’t Break the Ice which I guess could be a dexterity game.
The last PYL I played was Pass The Pigs. God, I hate that game…..
The last dexterity game I played was Jenga.
Yeti in My Spaghetti Board Game by PlayMonster
Pie Face!
I would love to win this!!
The game Ker Plunk with my daughter.
I don’t remember if it was Pick Up Sticks or Connect Four.
My last was Flick ’em Up.
Jenga is the last dexterity game I played. I miss playing jacks and pick up sticks (faves growing up).
This game looks really fun!
Break the Ice
Jenga was the last game.
I would say Jenga.
It was Jenga.
Reminds me of the last dexterity game me I played as a young one, Twister lol!