Today is Valentine’s Day so it seemed kind of fitting to offer a mega giveaway prize that talks about flames and gets everyone heated. Before you get your mind in the gutter, I need to point out that this one is cooperative! Wait wait wait. It’s a game! A FAMILY game!

We originally told you about Hotshots from Fireside Games last year then included it in a list of family games over the holidays. With an impressive list of games in their arsenal, we’re pleased to work with Fireside Games to be able to include them in this promotion. Read our Hotshots cooperative game overview to learn more about it then enter the giveaway using the form below.

150+ Days of Giveaways – Day 106 – HotShots Game

38 thoughts on “Mega Giveaway Day 106 – Hotshots Game

  1. “Thank you.” Also, on Christmas we brought our fire department a plate of Christmas treats to express our thanks to them. Our 2-year-old even got an exclusive tour of a fire truck with his very own plastic fireman hat! They’re such nice, wonderful people.

  2. Please enjoy these Holiday Cookies. Our family Christmas tradition was to spend a day in the kitchen making all sorts of cookies. Creating turkey platter plates of them to bring to the Police, Fire and local Nursing Home.

  3. If I had the chance I would say to a firefighter thank you for risking your life everyday. I think a fire is the most dangerous and horrible thing that could happen and they deserve a little credit.

  4. My grandfather was a Fire Chief. It is a hard and risky job. I would Thank them for protecting us when the unexpected happens.

  5. I would thank them for all that they do and for all the great things they do besides fighting fires like the fill a boot program to earn money for match of dimes as a mother of 5 children born premature this means the world to me without programs like this my children would not be here

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