Mega Giveaway Day 70 – Meccano M.A.X.

When the girls were in elementary school, they were introduced to robotics through an after-school program. They both really enjoyed it and excelled both personally and as a team. Unfortunately, when they reached junior high they couldn’t fit it into their schedule. They know the high school team is always an option but need to keep their robotics skills sharp. Thankfully there are a number of “toys” that make that possible which we feel make awesome gifts so included some in our holiday gift guides. Meccano M.A.X. by Spin Master Games is one we felt so strongly about that we included it in both our Home and Electronics gift guide as well as our guide to STEM gifts. We’re stepping it up another notch by making Meccano our Day 70 Mega Giveaway prize!
She started really getting into Hex Bugs when she was very little.
We visited some cousins with a robotic drone.
I don’t have kids, but I helped with the 4H robotics club and had a grand time!
We’ve explored with drones. R/C monster trucks. Robotic pets.
My son is in Lego First Robotcis League at school.This year was his first time competing!
My son loves to take apart old electronics and computers, and put them back together to see how they work, He’s 8.
Thank you so much fro the chance!
My kids like to work with robotic kits.
We have tried a few times to build our own at home! Once was a school project and it turned out awesome!
My grandchildren and I have built a few pop can robots, not too exciting!
My granddaughters and I have build Lego Robots. This would be the next step!
My 5 yo has been doing robotics with Lego kits
He took a lego robotics class a few years ago. Now built little bits r2d2
Lots of Lego robot kits
None so far with my grandchildren.
So far just robotoc pets but id love more options.
Lego kits and a friends drone kit
My kids have helped do a little robot building kit with their older cousin and they have some robotic toys but nothing nearly as cool as this! Love it! Meccano MAX is soo amazing!
Outside of drones and technical games, I did have the little robot dog that whose sensor was touchy that it kept going off and barking at the slightest motion. I had to take the batteries out because it got to be too annoying. lol.
We had some Robot War toy size vehicles from the show but hoping for something that requires more building!
My kids and I went to a place called Tommy Bartlett’s Robot World in the Wisconsin Dells and absolutely loved it. They have so many hands on activities and many different robot related activities. The idea of something that is able to think for itself to some extent is really quite fascinating.
We haven’t had any experience with robots.
The only activities would be a lego robotics set.
My sons are all grown now and I haven’t had a chance to do any thing with my grandson yet !
We experience Robotics at our local Boonshoft Museum. They are always having little classes for the Kids and Parents/Grandparents. So we are learning about the new world together.
My boys have built Mecchanos before. ..just not quite so large scale. ..Peaces~!! ~ xoxo
I guess a drone would qualify.
My kids haven’t participated in anything robotics related as of yet. But I think this would be a great activity to do with my daughter to spark an interest. Thanks!
The only experience I’ve had with robotics would be flying a drone.
Drones are a fascination in our house at the moment
We have a few mini drones and a parrot floor jumping drone. These are mostly used to mess with the dogs and cats but also as training toys to build up to the expensive drones.
Via STEM Club at school
Building lego mindstorms robots to play robo rally
My daughter and I have done a little bit through her school when they offered activities on robotics but thats about it.
Engineering classes with Fischer Technik
None. Unfortunately.
She is in robotics Club at school
She has never used robotics yet, she is extremely crafty, I havent even thought about it til now!
For Christmas ‘Santa’ got my son some Hex Bugs . He’s been loving them!
We have a Cozmo and we like the Robotic kits. So much fun and a great way for us to have family time.
the FIRST robotics competition
I’ve never participates in any robotics!
My son started off showing interest in space, it has since expanded in to aeronautics. We have made several small working models anywhere from rudder band cars, and planes, to a Mars Rover.
We built a robotic drone from a kit. It was interesting and fun to use and taught the little one about automation and mechanics
My son hasn’t gotten into robotics yet, but as he gets older, he definitely will. He loves machines.
My little guys have been introduced to robotics via a demonstration at their school.
When my son was 2, he would take toys apart and put them back together. Now he is 7, collects robots, has a complete robot decorated room and is in a robotics class with kids twice his age!
My grandson has gone to robotics camp and absolutely loved it
My son participated in Lego Robotics at camp.
We haven’t yet but really want too
I haven’t participated in any so far, but I would love to try!
The 2-XL educational toy robot distributed by Mego Corporation back in 1978
My grandson uses the Kinnect Robot kits and always wants more
Never did anything with robotics.
I had a Star Wars Droid Factory playset when I was a kid. Also, I have watched Robot Wars every season
My daughter had a Hex Bug a few years ago & she has participated in some robotics in school. And a friend of her has a drone she’s experimented with.
My son has a robotic pet and we have put together soda can robots,
Legos and Lincoln Logs are as technical as we’ve gotten so far. Thank you for the giveaway to help us expand our horizons!
We have gone to the Science Center.
I don’t have kids, and I haven’t participated in any robotics activities but I would love to
I know my nieces have had some robotic kits that they have put together and really loved it.
Man I want this
Can I please have it ?
About the only things they have done, at least at home, is to play with electronically controlled cars and trucks. I know that the 9 year old is having some exposure at school though.
My kids were trying to build some robots with Lego
we haven’t done any yet
We have a circuit board for our 5 year old, 😀 I think it helps him. It also makes annoying music. :p