Mega Giveaway Day 71 – Virulence Game
Ahhhh-chooo! When I said I wanted our 150+ Days of Giveaways promotion to go viral, this isn’t exactly what I meant. There’s a virus in the house. It’s okay; nobody is sick. It’s our Day 71 Mega Giveaway prize and you can enter to win by filling out the form below and returning daily for additional chances. What is it, you ask? It’s the virus-themed game of Virulence from Genius Games that we featured in our guide to card games. Games can be fun and educational and this is a prime example. Whether your goal is to use it as entertainment or as a teaching tool, remember the most important goal is to have fun! If you don’t have any STEM games on your game shelf, this is a great start.
No Cure’s Disease
It would:
have copious mucus production (of the green variety)
excessive sweating (pink tinted)
mild hallucinations
run its course in 3-5 days, leaving you completely healthy.
The Succulent virus.
I have no idea what it does, but the word “succulent” has always sounded both good and bad to me.
Gotcha Virus
My virus is permanent sinus infection virus and there is no cure!
The Virus Virus – A virus that only attacks other viruses
Ricketts – get it bahaha
The XYZ virus
I would name my virus – takedown
Virus name: Yourgonnaneednewtissuesitis
Monkey Pox
If I could name my virus I would call it killer demon child.
The stupid virus
My virus name would be dystoniaitus because dystonia sucks!
The Canadias- it is shaped like a hockey stick, is apologetic, proud but humble and is made more powerful by double-double coffee and poutine.
“Oh doesn’t this suck” Is what my virus would be named lol.
I would name my Virus blahtitus, because this is how i feel when i’m ill.
The Morpho virus
Lilyitis virus
Happinessitis. Chronic happiness to anyone that comes in contact with another person carrying the strain.
my virus name— needabreakandcoffee-itis!
Suriv virus.
“Well It’s Over” Virus
Can’t catch me virus.
Virus X-Infinity!
Cooties Pox
Mister Sicky Poo Poo Face Virus
Gross Slime Ball
Fuzzy Death
I would name it NoWorkEmToday. Thank you for the giveaway!
Timey Wimey Virus.