Protein Snacks For On-the-Go

Last week was another amazing time. Busy, but in an awesome way. Over the years, I’ve been to quite a few conventions, media events and business conferences and my goal is always the same… get as much accomplished as possible in the few short days. I arrive early to get a jump start on meetings or activities and stay up late to attend after-hours events or even get some work done in the hotel room. Sleep needs to wait. I even often schedule meetings so tightly that I don’t have time to break away for lunch.
You know the crazy part? I do the same thing while we are on vacation. Unless we have worked a lunch or dinner into the schedule, I don’t make plans for it. If we can be doing something like riding a roller coaster or snorkeling then it kind of takes priority. While my goal is to always start the day off with a decent breakfast, the simple fact is that it takes a bit of time for four people to get ready in a hotel room with one bathroom and frankly, time is money. Over the years, I’ve started packing various items like granola or protein bars, beef sticks, fruit snacks and sometimes even toaster pastries. We have them on hand in the hotel room for a quick breakfast or toss them into a backpack to eat during the madness.
I’ve grown accustomed to it and the kids have too so we make the best of it. If our trip involves us traveling by vehicle, I have the added luxury of tossing a case of bottled water in with the suitcases. That was the case last week during our annual pilgrimage to Gen Con. I did something a little different this year though. I planned for more protein to help fill us and fuel us during the busy schedule. And I’m glad I did because as suspected, time was precious.
We had four days at Gen Con to meet with as many game publishers as possible – strengthening existing relationships while forging new ones; seeing friends in the board game industry while at the same time meeting new people. With a hotel away from the downtown area, we needed to work all the time angles to be able to do all we wanted to do. To save money, we stayed at a remote hotel then parked at the same lot we have in past years. Since that parking lot is about 3/4 of a mile from the convention center, it meant each day began with a 10-15 minute walk. One day I had a meeting first thing and I was running a bit behind. As we hurried our walk, I drank a Premier Protein shake on the way. Figured I could kill two birds with one stone. I’ve been making smoothies with protein powder at home lately and have really liked the way it filled me up through the morning. When lunch would arrive, I haven’t felt that hungry. So when I took the Premier Protein with me, I was hoping for the same effect. Because, you know, time… precious and all.
That’s exactly what it did. I was able to navigate the day and my meetings through the lunch hour without feeling hungry. Scott and the girls had Premier Protein shakes and bars as well and were able to stave off hunger pangs until late in the afternoon before they realized they needed to make time for lunch.
In addition to the daytime expo hall meetings, I also had some evening events on my calendar. The invitations always say “snacks and beverages”, but that’s often a crapshoot. Some include a nice array of fruit, veggie and cheese trays, appetizers or other foods that can double as a meal while other events offer some kind of Chex mix or tortilla chips. Since I never know what will be served, I don’t make assumptions. I carried a Premier Protein bar in my bag that I was able to snack on to ensure I had something in my stomach.
Remember me telling you about Madison’s concern for sugars? When she went to grab a Premier Protein shake, she immediately wanted to see the label said. “This only has 1 gram of sugar!” She was also amazed by the 30g of protein in each shake! (To be fair, so was I!) After trying the Vanilla Premier Protein, she looked at Scott and said “I would drink this EVERY day for breakfast before school!” She has tried 4 different flavors and the vanilla has continuously won the taste test. So glad because it’s probably the easiest to find at stores! A 12 pack at Sam’s Club runs around $17 but there are many Premier Protein options available on Amazon as well. With school starting tomorrow, we picked up a package at Sam’s Club yesterday to start the school year off right.
If you are looking for on-the-go ideas for snacks or meals, try out Premier Protein. We were delighted with the taste and the effects. There are multiple flavors of bars and shelf-stable drinks so try a couple to find the right one for you. Personally, I liked all the flavors! Check out the Premier Protein website for information on their various product as well as recipes. You can see the latest news on Facebook and Twitter. Not sold on them? Enter to win a variety package so you can try before you buy.
My favorite on the go snack is Fit Joy Protein brs
Our go to snack is seasonal fresh fruit.
I don’t have one specific favorite, but I tend to use hard boiled eggs, annie’s granola bars, and cottage cheese cups pretty frequently.
I love peanuts for on the go snacks
it would be string cheese and wheat thins.
My favorite on-the-go snack or meal are a cup of yogurt and a granola bar.
My favorite on the go snack or meal is fruit or cheese.
Granola bars for me and goldfish for the kids! (and for me too LOL)
A bag o walnuts will hold me over for long periods of time
I like grapes
I love to snack on peanuts
nuts fruits and berries and also peanut butter LOL
Cereal bars
I like crackers and peanut butter.
I am also like snack. But that brand is not I like Beer Nuts. That was a good brand on snack world. The little girl is so cute. I like her style. Can you tale me her name.
I’m glad this mom has her family’s nutrition and snacks under control, but eating on the run like that is not healthy! The kids are number one! This is not their job. You, the mom, has to set a good example for them and teach them good habits. Always rushing would make yourself and them nervous wrecks! They are still growing! Everyone needs a good nights sleep! Getting run down is not good either. I know time is money, but some of these habits are continuing onto your vacations!! Slow down – take time to smell the roses. I know your time is money, but how much can you make being laid up? Praying helps! Talk to the Lord about this. I know HE will help! Sorry I didn’t mean to lecture! I’m just concerned! God Bless!!
P.S. I have used these PREMIER PROTEIN bars and shakes. They are wonderful for a snack or pick me up. They are even good when dieting! These products taste good also! I am a chocolate fan. Thank you for sharing!
The chocolate peanut butter bars are one of my go to snacks for hiking and road trips. Taste good and keep up my energy.
Nice review of the Premier Protein Bars
Costco has a nice selection too.
My favorite protein snack is the Emerald brand Energy Mix of nuts and fruits.
Eating well when on the go can be challenging. I like the taste of these drinks (i usually buy the powder form though). I hadn’t really thought about bringing them along when travelling.