Mega Giveaway Day 56 – Brawl Game

Cheapass Games wants everyone to Brawl!! This time, it’s the kind with cards and it’s our Day 56 prize by the same name: Brawl! It was showcased as part of our Card Games gift guide and we’re happy to say that one SahmReviews reader will receive a set of these decks so they can have some friendly brawls with their friends.
Stop by Cheapass Games’ website to see what else they have to offer then visit them on Twitter and Facebook to tell them thanks for participating in our Mega Giveaway.
I brawl with my husband, all in good fun. 😉
my wife for sure
my sister
my friends from where I grew up
With my oldest son lol we are always competing in different things
My boyfriend (:
Playmate of the month
My kids. They know Karate but I am definitely bigger so I call it a draw, but they like too test me!
I use to brawl with my second oldest brother all the time when we were younger many moons ago. What’s really weird is that he and I are super close know that we are adults.
My hubby
My husband.
My boyfriend, definetly.
My wife, she pulls her punches.
My favorite person to brawl with is my husband as I know he will always let me win.
I’m a lover, not a brawler.
I like to braw with My friend
My hubby but I think that’s a different kind of brawl! LOLOLOLOL!
I always have fun brawling with my husband. LOL
Lesbian wifey. (I’m a male)
My friends.
my wife