Mega Giveaway Day 16 – $75 Winning Moves Gift Card

Happy Thanksgiving! Whether we realize or not, Winning Moves Games manages to sneak into our lives in the subtlest of ways. Most recently, we discovered one of my favorite childhood games at a thrift store only to discover it available new in the Winning Moves library! We’re thrilled to be able to offer one of our readers the ability to go on a $75 shopping spree to find new and retro games and puzzles because that’s what our prize is for Day 16 of our 100+ Days of Giveaways! The winner will be able to Winning Moves website to shop for $75 worth of products. How cool is that?
On this day of thanks, don’t forget our sponsors who have made this mega giveaway possible. So check out our gift guides for ideas for items to fill your shopping to-do list, visit the sponsor websites and social channels then enter to win!
100+ Days of Giveaways – Day 16 – Winning Moves Games $75 Gift Card
I would love Pay Day! I used to play it all the time with my brother and my sister as a kid. I don’t quite remember the game mechanics but I do recall having a great time playing it!
Terra Nova
The Classic Game of Life has always been one of our favorites!
I think my nieces would enjoy Hi-Ho! Cherry-O®
Pass the Pig Big Pig
Tile Lock Super Scrabble looks exciting
Winning Moves has two of my favorite games… Yhatzee and Clue. I used to play clue with the kids to improve their math skills when they were young.
I want to play Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm® Game. Looks cute and the kids would like it.
We’ve got Guess Who that the kids have enjoyed. I think that they would get a kick out of Twister, especially as they grow up and have friends over.
We are wanting Scattergories® Categories for some time now.
Hi Ho Cherry-O! We had it when we were kids and would love to introduce it to the next generation.
I most want the PASS THE PIGS® PIG PARTY from the catalog!
I want waterworks. Loved that game as a kid
I grew up with Life and would love to get that again.
Pass the Pigs Big Pigs edition looks like a lot of fun
Hi Ho Cherry-O! or The Game of Life
Moose Caboose
Rubik’s Void
Game of Life is great
The Fish Fish Squish Game looks like a lot of fun. My grandson would love it!
I love the game chess
Pass the Pigs for the win!
I would get Bonkers…..had it when I was young and LOVED it! Would love to play it again, this time with my kids!!
Christmas Monopoly
I would love to have a Super Scrabble game.
Pass the pigs
I haven’t played RISK since fourth grade and could really get into a game right now. I miss board games and I think I’m going to end up buying a bunch of them now 🙂
Tile Lock Super Scrabble!
My favorite game is clue, but we don’t have it. I would love to get that.
The classic version of Guess Who? or Clue 🙂
I really want Game of Life!
Terra Nova
I would love to have Classic Life – my old Life Game from the 1960’s is in pretty bad condition.
Game of Life is my favorite!
Thank You 😉
firefly or pass the pig. high ho cherry o is a little young for my girl now
I like Monopoly.
Clue! I love Clue!
Merry Christmas-Cue for me