Mega Giveaway Day 19 – BattleGoats Game

BattleGoats by CardLords claims the spot as Day 19 prize! Visit their social channels and be sure to tell them thanks for participating in our 100+ Days of Giveaways! Check out the Stocking Stuffers gift guide where we featured BattleGoats and think about adding something besides candy to the stockings this year. Games make a fun addition!
Remember to return tomorrow to participate in the daily entry options to increase your chances of winning then check out all the gift ideas so you can mark some items off your list.
My husband Ken lol. Haven’t played the game.
Closetalkers always get my goat!
My buddy Kevin
My Mother is the queen goat getter
My oldest son knows how to push my buttons when he wants to.
Anybody who invades my space gets my goat.
My wife.
Bad drivers!
Hmm…. Maybe people who don’t hold the door for me?
My husband, lol
The perpetually late
My students (and all their homework excuses)
I would like to get the game so somebody could get my goat. One of my sons always seems to “get my goat” while playing board games lol.
My Son always gets my Goat when we play games 🙂
Anybody with a powerful odor.
My daughter always gets my goat. Especially when we play Lost Cities. Ugh.
my son
My mom.
I trust no one with MY goats!
My dog gets my goat!!
Anyone not able to accept someone else may have a different opinion than themselves.
My daughter for sure.. She’s always getting into something..