Mega Giveaway Day 8 – Zendure A8 Portable Charger

It’s Day 8 of our 2015 MEGA giveaway and we’re switching things up a little by featuring some of the items from our home and electronics gift guide. For 44 days, there is a new giveaway each night with a variety of items from our various gift guides. Did you enter days 1-7? Don’t forget that there are daily entry options in each of the giveaways!
Thank you to Zendure for keeping us powered up for today’s giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Please provide more info about the items than just the name. Currently we have to jump over to the other apge or search out what it is besides some sort of a portable charger. A picture would also be nice.
These seem larger than a lot of other chargers I have seen or my wife carriers. I do not know off hand how much capacity hers has but hopefully these are more due to the size. I don’t know that I am a great fan of a flashy silver case, I would prefer something more subtle that could be tucked away into a bag.
Stephen –
Thank you for your comment. Typically we run giveaways in conjunction with an article, but because of this special promotion it would not be feasible to put 10 giveaway forms in one post. There is a convenient link to the Gift Guide in which this is listed and a full article on their previous line at
This particular one is very large because it has one of the highest capacities out there (25,600mAh). They also have a full line of smaller ones, but have been gracious enough to give away their largest (and most expensive) version.
I realized my phone was dead right after my rental car ran out of gas on the side of a desolate highway. I then realized I had not brought a phone charger with me, and I felt helpless.
My phone died almost immediately arriving to play with my grandson for the first time at his playground.
Great for work
I was running nav and had not brought the cable to connect it to my car. Battery died and needless to say it took me a bit longer to get where I was going. Luckily it was still in the same city so I eventually figured it out.
My phone died while at the zoo. I usually let my kids go with their older brother because he has a phone but he couldn’t get a hold of me after they went off into the zoo. Thank goodness I realized it before they got too far for me to catch up to them.
At a huge neighborhood garage sale… my husband had driven away to try to find a place to park. The roads were PACKED and he couldn’t find a spot so he kept trying to call me to ask what to do… but my phone was out of charge. It took us hours to find each other again in the crowd!
At the fair and I couldn’t call my family to find out where to meet them.
Yesterday I was waiting to pick my teenage daughter up from school and couldn’t text her that I was there because my little one ran my battery out. For some reason the car charger wouldn’t work.
Actually my own phone needs to be charged in every few months because it has a good battery but even that sometimes runs out.
On the road driving home from college, and my car died on the road. It was horrible.
Flat tire, flat spare, no charger, dead battery on the phone… On a nowheresville contry road.
I was talking long distance and my phone went dead
I run out consantly and its so inconvient as it’s my only phone and I am disabled. The pool is bad, but the worst is when I had car trouble!
at night when i went home
One time when my Son was lost in the back country of 9 Mile with the kids in the car. It ALMOST ran out!
The worst place my phone ran out of power was at the hospital when my daughter in law was giving birth to my granddaughter.
The worst experience I’ve encountered with my phone dieing would have to be the time I was running late for court, and I didn’t know how to get there and my phone died killing the GPS I was following… a very bad day indeed!
My new phone does that a lots.I was told I needed to lock the screen.