We’ve had pretty good luck with games from Canada in the past, so when we came across Action Dragon at a thrift store in Chicago, we took a chance at it. We should have noticed the full title on the box is actually, “Action Dragon: Sentence Construction”. So it’s an educational game…but a game nevertheless. We gave it a shot.

This week's Thrift Treasure is Action Dragon: Sentence Construction by Patrix. See if this educational game is right for your family at SahmReviews.comAction Dragon is a simple game that requires you to build sentences using cards marked with a variety of subjects, verbs, adjectives and compliments. Each part of the sentence is color-coded and to move your piece, you must create a sentence that includes the correct ‘formula’ of colors and number of cards.

This week's Thrift Treasure is Action Dragon: Sentence Construction by Patrix. See if this educational game is right for your family at SahmReviews.comThe instructions claim the game is for ages 7+, and because of the need to understand the different parts of sentence structure, I would agree. However the artwork on the cards looks like it was designed to appeal to a much younger audience. In fact, we found one website claiming the game was suited for Pre-K to 3rd grade.

This week's Thrift Treasure is Action Dragon: Sentence Construction by Patrix. See if this educational game is right for your family at SahmReviews.comMy 11-yr old found the game much too easy. She was knocking out seven and eight word sentences right from the start. There really wasn’t much of a challenge for this age group.

This week's Thrift Treasure is Action Dragon: Sentence Construction by Patrix. See if this educational game is right for your family at SahmReviews.comBut…if you have a younger child in the 5-6 age range, with adult supervision they would probably not only enjoy the graphics of the game, but be challenged in their sentence building and part recognition. I guess we shouldn’t be so hard on it, it is billed as an educational game in the first place.

If you think you would find some great value in this type of learning game, you can find them from teacher supply stores as well as used copies on Amazon. Patrix Games does have other offerings on their website, maybe one just right for you!

14 thoughts on “Thrift Treasure: Action Dragon

  1. This would be perfect if I had my hands on it today for a 5 year old birthday party. Too easy or difficult, playing games as a family is time you will all remember.

  2. Thanks for the honest review! My son is still far away from playing this type of board game as he’s only 2. I wonder how popular will board games be a decade or two from now as every game seems to have moved to a mobile device or your computer.

    1. I think video games have reached a saturation point and you’re going to see a resurgence in board games. There are new companies popping up all the time thanks to manufacturers that cater to smaller runs (and sites like Kickstarter that help them find funding). One of the largest gaming conventions was just this weekend (GenCon in Indy) and drew over 50,000 people from around the world!

  3. Hay Scott. That was a great insight and review. Thank you very much. I already have the game on order, so was already excited and now even more so.

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