Expedite the Honey-Do Project

Some of my earliest memories involve my dad wearing a tool belt. A carpenter by trade, a contractor by profession, it has always been his life. When we were kids, he had a shop in the basement with a work bench, vise and wall full of hand tools. I remember how he had outlined the spot where each tool went. If anything was missing, it was plain as day what it was.And now that he’s retired, well, he can’t seem to NOT work. He has finally started tackling projects for himself – built a garage for his truck and included a new workshop area, too. He volunteers on committees at the church and when we know he has a few spare minutes, my mom, sister-in-law and I add things to his Honey-Do list.
This past September, we finally started converting part of the basement into a play area for the kids. My dad came over and helped DH with as much as they could. As we neared the end, a PR firm representing Dremel offered for me to test out the new Multi-Max. It is targeted at making small projects easier for DIY’ers so this was perfect timing for us. It arrived when we at the painting stage so there wasn’t much we could do with it right away. All other family projects were on hold until the play room was done!Anyway, after we finished painting, DH explained to my dad that I have this new Dremel I’m trying to review. My dad said that the trim would be a good (yet simple) opportunity to see what it does. They applied the trim everywhere but needed to cut away a few sections near the sump pump.
DH grabbed the Multi-Max while my dad looked on. When DH was done, my dad’s response… “That’s slick.” I was amazed at how quick and easy it was. But honestly, it was just cutting off a piece of trim, how hard could it be the way my dad would normally do it. So I asked him. He rifled through his tool box and pulled out a hand tool. He said “This is what I would have used.” He went on to explain that the Dremel was 3-4 times quicker, but more important, much cleaner. He said for someone not skilled at using the traditional tool, it made it less likely that the wall would be damaged.
While I was excited about the Dremel Multi-Max and how easy it was, I was even more thrilled that my dad thought it was cool!
Think I’ll go draw an outline of it on his new workshop wall.
So what do you think? Do you have a Honey DIY list that’s itching for attention? Maybe if you added a Dremel Multi-Max to the toolkit, the project list might get shorter. (Or… it might get longer as you figure out all the things this baby can do!) You can check out their “30 Minute Miracles” brochure for some great information and ideas. Here’s your chance to win one!
The Prize: Dremel Multi-Max
Participants –
…must provide a US shipping address
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile.
Sometime on February 15, 2010, a winner will be chosen at random (using random.org) from all valid comments left. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the next random selection.
How to enter:
For the first entry (required) –
(1) Get some project ideas at Dremel.com.
(2) Leave a comment on this post at SahmReviews.com with a project around your house that you think the Dremel Multi-Max would help you with.
If you want to increase your chances of winning, here are some options to earn additional entries –
— Three Entries: If you have a blog or website, add my button to your page. (Here’s the code:)
— Two Entries: Publish a blog post regarding this contest by February 10th and link back to it.
— One Entry (Daily): Follow me on Twitter and Tweet this contest by clicking here or copying the following text:
“Giveaway for a Dremel Multi-Max tool http://tinyurl.com/yc8drzq @SahmReviews Please RT #giveaway @DremelBrand”. Comment with a link to your tweet.
— One Entry: Become a fan of SAHM Reviews on Facebook. Of course, don’t forget to leave a comment.
— One Entry: Subscribe to my feed via RSS or email.
— One Entry: Follow me using Google’s Friend Connect feature.
— One Entry each: While none of these are required to enter the contest, you can earn one additional entry for each of the following: subscribe to Dremel’s YouTube page, become a fan on Facebook or follow on Twitter. Would appreciate you letting them know I sent you but that isn’t required. Come back here and leave a comment for each one you did.
— One Entry (Daily): Read any of my non-giveaway reviews here at SahmReviews.com and leave an appropriate comment on that post. Come back here and leave a comment stating which product/post you left a comment on.
Kudos to Dremel for creating yet another cool tool for DIY’ers. Also, thanks to Dremel for providing the prize for this giveaway.
For more information on Dremel products, check out their website, watch them on YouTube, become a fan on Facebook or follow them on Twitter.
main entry: i like to learn how to Etch Glass
campcreeknanny at gmail dot com
My hubby and I love watching birds. We have an old gourd that I use as a fall decoration that would be a perfect bird house. I found the plans for making a Gourd Birdhouse on their website. Now all we need is the Dremel!
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project i like to do,
fix up my bathroom add new tile
campcreeknanny at gmail dot com
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The the Dremel Multi-Max would really help me restoring Painted Metal. When we moved in our new place last August they had painted for us but the problem is they painted over all of the door fixtures so this would be an excellent project to do and it would be a breeze using the Dremel Multi-Max.
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I left a comment at New Kid (K'Nex) on the Block Knex review.
It would help in the remove of the ruined baseboard in the bathroom
We are going to replace the tiles in our bathroom and this would make it easier to get the old stuff out. DH showed me the advert for this tool and he would love to have one.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
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The Dremel would be helpful with the shelving I want to put up in our newly remodeled family room.
ssovrnej (at) gmail.com
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ssovrnej (at) gmail.com
We could use the dremel to clean our grill, amongst other things.
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oheeyore at hotmail dot com
Oh this would be wonderful! We are remodeling and putting up a new ceiling with pod lights and this would help so much. This would also help with polishing our door knobs that we are redoing. This would help in more ways than one! Thanks for the chance!
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I have been putting off tiling our bathroom floor. It's a small space and there will be lots of custom cutting. The Dremel Multi-Max would work perfect!!
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I want my hubby to refinish our chair backs!
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We could really use Dremel Multi-Max to help with our bathroom projects coming up real soon. I have to replace the molding and replace and move some of the plumbing. The pipes in the bathroom have froze 4 times so far this winter. Imagine waking up to no water and you have to leave for work in an hour errr. Not a good start to the day. We decided to fix the problem by removing the old copper pipe
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I'm kind of new to facebook so I hope this link is right.
I'm a subscriber via email. Thank You for hosting this review and giveaway and Dremel for sponsoring it.
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Just Fanned Dremel and posted on their wall and let them know I just read a review and watched a video of their Multi-Max at SAHM Reviews 🙂
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I love the restoring your metal patio furniture tutorial, it just might be an inspiration for me to get busy on our set!
GigglesandLollipops at gmail dot com
I have your button on my blog…just posted it. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
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I think the Dremel would really help us in putting in a cat door!
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I think it would be great for the tile job in my kitchen or the trim job in my bathroom ! Great Giveaway. bargainfun1 at yahoo
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bargainfun1 at yahoo
We will be adding crown molding to our living room soon and this would be a great help
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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I like the Terra Cotta Patio Lights.
It could really help my honey replace the leaky pipe in our kitchen sink!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
This would be great for cutting a pipe drain! We are installing a new sink and this would be a perfect start for such an awesome tool!
I like the idea for Cleaning a Grill
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I have a bathroom that is going to be remodled in the very near future and this Dremel Mulit-Max will make it so much easier.
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Reslotting a stripped screw is always needed around here for some reason.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the Wood Inlay Techniques. This could really help us out around our home. I have seen commercials but can not get one just yet..Maybe in the summer I will be able to
I would like to learn how to etch glass. I can already envision Christmas ornaments I could make!
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Wow! I just seen this advertise on TV and thought the many things I would like my husband to do with that! I got lots of ideas from the website including installing a baseboard corner (which he has been needing t do) I also love the pumpkin carving since Im horrible at it! The thing I would first use it for around the house is to help my son make his Awana Grand Prix car which is a wooden car for
I am following you on Twitter and I have tweeted this AWESOME contest!
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I am following Dremel on FB. Thanks!
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I have signed up for your emails! Thanks for the great website!
I love the idea of using it to make terra cotta luminaries
I think this dremmel would be a great tool in glass etching. But hubbs would probably steal it to work on our new baseboards!
rennieangie at gmail dot com
This would be great for adding pod lights in the kitchen. Our kitchen is always so dark and the light currently in there has a fan and it's just not pretty. I would love to switch it up w/some pod lights. Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Google follower-Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Commented here: http://www.sahmreviews.com/2010/02/exploring-world-on-your-iphone.html?showComment=1265654377797
this would so help with building our porch!
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I like the Etched Bottle/Vase, good idea for my wedding I'm planning!
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Husband could use it to cut drywall.
Fixing the grout around the tub!
I make miniatures as a hobby. This tool would come in very handy for cutting wood bases, walls, floors; sanding parts; cutting plexiglas to cover the projects, etc.
We could really use it for our grill-it needs a good cleaning! 🙂
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I too have some baseboard moulding to install, so the Dremmel would be handy for that job. I also have two pieces of furniture I plan on refinishing soon, so the Dremmel would come in handy too.
I'm following on Google Connect.
The Autumn Celebration Wreath is really cool.
This would come in handy for some projects I have coming up. I liked the wood inlay techniques.
I am publicly following this blog through GFC.
my honey-do project would be to fix our doorways of our home and multiple other projects as seen on the Dremel site.
wendym at cableone dot net
We recently bought a new house. We're replacing all of the baseboards, so a dremel would come in handy for those corners.
deberniere at yahoo dot com
i THINK it would help with putting in a new bathroom floor!
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/8852752564
We need to sand and repaint 15 window ledges and have been putting it off for a long time. This Dremel would help us so much with this project! And my hubby's 30th birthday is coming up, it would make his day!
I have some cabinet doors that are ugly and in bad need of a fix-up job. This tool could really help! Thanks!
I love this!!! Oh, and my husband would too, if I were to let him use it. I can think of tons of things I would do with it!! Put in some "between stud cabinets" in the bathroom, replacing window sills, putting in some needed extra outlets in the bedroom! I could go on and on!!! downhomelivin at live dot com
We would need it for the trim as well. We are finishing our basement right now and are almost done. We just need to put up the trim and hang the doors, etc. I would love to win this for my husband…
i am a crafter and there are many times this dremel would come in handy. i would maybe even let my husband use it once in awhile….if he asked nicely!!
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The Dremel Multi-Max would be a big help when we tackle the big project of replacing and refinishing the ceiling in our kitchen. jgs0925 at gmail dot com
drywall–we need lots of projects!! looks like something great to have
thanks for the opp
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/8880761772
We would use this to install baseboard corners.
lexbyam at gmail dot com
We are installing new countertops next month and I am sure this would come in handy!
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/8899454973
i would use it to help finish the steps I need to replace in my house. Thanks!
mike.karr at gmail.com
under the Lawn and Garden Projects I found plans for making bird house out of gourds and I have about 2 dozen gourds waiting to be turned into bird houses. P;use it would be so useful in myh jewelry making….the show how to use the tool on shells to make a bracelet.
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i want to make the Gourd Birdhouse!!!
This would come in handy for finishing off our basement!
button on giveaway blog 🙂
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Dremel had som freat ideas at their site (I never would have thought to cut a new slot for a stripped screw!), but I already knew why I need this tool. About half the furniture in my apt. is "unabandoned" stuff I rescued. What I don't keep gets gifted, donated to thrift shops, or in rare cases, sold(!) There are always little repairs necessary, and this tool would make them so much
We plan on redoing our bathroom soon so this would be great to have
This would help with the finish work on a new cabinet we just installed.
I would use it to make some baseboards for my sons room! thanks!
What a great review and giveaway! I'd ddefinately use it to remove tile in our kitchen.
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tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/8958936553
What's so awesome about this is that you can use it for lawn mower blade sharpening AND pumpkin carving. Guess which one I will be doing. 😉
weird chick online at gmail dot com
My wife said now she can finally finish some of the projects I can't/won't get to.
use it to help me restore my tile bathroom
It can help me with a wide variety of projects with my son.
bklnycui at gmail dot com
My husband and I are about to buy a house that needs a lot of small updates. This would be perfect for small projects in small indoor spaces.
we have tons of projects! we need to add a wall in the basement so we can have a separate "theater/guest" room down there. We are currently working on some minor kitchen fixes (you know how it is.. simply replacing the dishwasher means 20 other issues pop up that need attention..) we need to redo flooring and trim in most of the house, hubby is redoing the garage so he has a bit of a
Etched Glass and Pumpkin carving! How fuN!!!
This could help me put up my shelfs!
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I'd use it to update my cabinets.
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tweeted http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9053465605
Could use the dremel to make gourd bird houses
I think the dremel would help to make some bird houses for outside- its almost spring
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I want to replace the tile in the kitchen and that tool would make it a lot easier. Thanks!
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shelly cox
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We are about to add a new tub and pipes need to be changed, so I was looking and I think the Dremel Multi-Max could save us a lot of time in a tight space. I seen it cuts copper pipes @
mccullar07@yahoo.com is already subscribed to the mailing list of SahmReviews.com
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1.Project idea: install a baseboard corner
2. What DH would use it on: to refinish furniture at our house.
I would like to use this to clean our grill. We are also remodeling our living room and it would come in handy with the trim work. thanks.
This will help us with our bathroom remodeling project.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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I would like to try it on a tile project!
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wendym at cableone dot net
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I would first use this to install a new sink! (cut a drain pipe)