What Happens in Vegas Can Be Viewed Online

We just returned home from an extended weekend in Vegas. It was a nice little getaway with hubby as a surprise Christmas gift. The only thing that I’m kicking myself for is not scheduling it a few days later. It wasn’t really an option though since the kids have school and putting that kind of strain on the babysitter (AKA grandparents) just isn’t very fair.What difference did the date make? If I was there a few days later, I could have attended the much coveted CES. When I received invitations to see some of my clients, I was disappointed to have to say “Sorry, I’m leaving Las Vegas on the 5th.” The 2010 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) runs from January 7-10.But one came through for me. After sending condolences for not being able to attend, he said “There will be plenty of stuff going on streaming video-wise. So it’ll be like you’re there!” While I would have loved to attend in person, streaming is the next best thing. What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas… unless, of course, it’s streaming online.
Kodak has lined up “Live from CES” hourly presentations on the K-Zone. I encourage you to stop by the K-Zone to check out the entire schedule of panels, but here is a sampling to wet your whistle:
The New CMO: Chief Memory Officer (Thursday, January 7, at 11:00 p.m. PST) KZONE1
A look at today’s CMO’s and how they create, share and relive moments in their lives.
Speakers include: Tina Sharkey (Chairman and Global President, Baby Center), Jill Zarin (The Real Housewives of NYC), and Jen Drexler (Director of Brand Insights, Just Ask A Woman)
It’s All About KISS (Thursday, January 7 at 12:00 p.m. PST) KZONE2
And we’re not talking about the rock band. Hear from leading women in technology about why simpler is better in today’s fast-paced world.
Speakers include: Linda Tischler (Senior Writer, FastCompany), Tina Sharkey (Chairman and Global President, Baby Center), Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), and Jen Drexler (Director of Brand Insights, Just Ask a Woman)
Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook (Friday, January 8 at 11:00 a.m. PST) KZONE9
Kids eight and under will never know what life was like before Google. Learn how technology is changing their lives – and their parent’s lives in the process.
Speakers include: Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), Susan Getgood (Blogwithintegrity.com), Jill Zarin (the Real Housewives of NYC), Linda Sawyer (CEO of Deutch), Christy Matte (editor of the Family Computing Guide, About.com)
The M-Suite (Friday, January 8 at 3:00 p.m. PST) KZONE13
How momtreprenuers and stay at home moms are building successful businesses.
Speakers include: Amanda Robinson (NaturalMommies.com), Sharon Napier (founder, Partners & Napier), Susan Tousi (Kodak), Soleil Moon Frye (actress), and Stacie Haight Connerty (blogger, Thedivinemissmommy.com)
Father Knows Best (Friday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. PST) KZONE15
It’s time to hear from the dads! Hear from these tech savvy dads on how they use technology with their kids, and the lessons learned.
Speakers include: Michael Ferrara (TechnoDad), Jeff Hayzlett (CMO, Kodak), Fred Fishkin (technology reporter, Bloomberg Radio), Jackson Lynch (WIRED)
I realize that being there is the primary choice but streaming is the next best thing. However, for some, the timing on these may conflict with other activities but Kodak has provided a reminder service to help ensure you don’t miss out. Text the KZone Code to 484848 to receive a reminder 20 minutes before the program airs. And if you miss it, “reruns” are nicely organized by day at the K-Zone or you can find them on YouTube.
Kodak has some great products and I’m excited to be able to work with them. As a thank you for sharing this information with you, they’re giving me one of their KODAK D830 Digital Frames. As a special treat, they’re also providing an extra for one of my readers!
Keep reading for how you can enter to win.
The Prize: Kodak D830 Digital Frame
Participants –
…must provide a US or Canadian shipping address
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile.
Sometime on January 19, 2010, a winner will be chosen at random (using random.org) from all valid comments left. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the next random selection.
How to enter:
For the first entry (required) –
(1) Check out the Kodak Z-Zone.
(2) Leave a comment on this post at SahmReviews.com with which panel other than those I’ve mentioned sounds interesting.
If you want to increase your chances of winning, here are some options to earn additional entries –
— Three Entries: If you have a blog or website, add my button to your page. (Here’s the code:)
— Two Entries: Publish a blog post regarding this contest by January 15th and link back to it.
— One Entry (Daily): Follow me on Twitter and Tweet this contest by clicking here or copying the following text:
“Giveaway for Kodak D830 Digital Frame http://tinyurl.com/yaoohmo @SahmReviews Please RT #giveaway”. Comment with a link to your tweet.
— One Entry: Become a fan of SAHM Reviews on Facebook. Of course, don’t forget to leave a comment.
— One Entry: Subscribe to my feed via RSS or email.
— One Entry: Follow me using Google’s Friend Connect feature.
— One Entry: Watch one of the panel presentations and leave a comment telling which you watched and one thing you learned from it. You can do this once for each panel that you watch.
— One Entry (Daily): Read any of my non-giveaway reviews here at SahmReviews.com and leave an appropriate comment on that post. Come back here and leave a comment stating which product/post you left a comment on.
Many thanks to Kodak for providing this gateway to CES in the form of the K-Zone as well as the prize for this giveaway. If you love Kodak products, be sure to fan them on Facebook!
"Hi, my brand name is" seems like a great event to learn about online marketing!
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The Digital Diet sounds like it would be a good one to watch!
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cdziuba@aol.com In the year 2525 appeals to me because it is so forward-thinking.
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I like How I met Your Mother.
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I commentedon How NOT to Freeze in Iowa.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I think that MommyTech sounds interesting.
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I put your button on my blog
I put your button on my blog
I tweeted, http://twitter.com/laprochaine/status/7498555146
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The Proof is in the Picture sounds interesting.
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
follow & tweet: http://twitter.com/warp65/status/7499330516
Facebook fan – Tina Renee Barker
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I am interested in the OMG, BFF, LOL panel
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I would be interested in Is This Thing On?
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
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proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
The Digital Diet sounds good for organizing all of my stuff.
And Then There Was One… Actually Two ,This was on and I wanted to see the new name of the Kodak handheld
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Peggy Gorman
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Peggy Gorman
I'd be interested in the Proof is in the Picture. Thanks
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I blogged about this giveaway here: http://kristiesnotes.blogspot.com/2010/01/kodak-digital-photo-frames-being-given.html
entry #1
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I blogged about this giveaway here: http://kristiesnotes.blogspot.com/2010/01/kodak-digital-photo-frames-being-given.html
entry #2
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
The Proof is in the Picture jumps out at me! Thanks for the info and the giveaway. This is what I would've gotten my Mom for Christmas had money not been so much an object.
MommyTech would be really cool!
Contributor and reader! Can't figure out yet how to get buttons on my blog. )-:
Tweet That sounds fun and helpful.
MichelleLMace [at] Hotmail [dot] com
I like the "How I Met Your Mother" Panel, even tho I am a Mom, I would like to know which marketing approach works with mothers.
How I met your mother is intreging to me.
Digital Diet sounds good to me.
Digital diet seems interesting…
The Proof is in the Picture sounds interesting.
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How I Met Your Mother sounds interesting.
lmattke (at) picpocketbooks (dot) com
Following you with Google Friend Connect
it told me the page I was looking for doesn't exist… can I still enter even if I can't comment on that post? I did check out the kodak zone
rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com
i subscribe
The The Digital Diet sounds like it would be a good panel!
I subscribe to your post via email.
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I suppose I *should* be interested in Digital Diet! 😉
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter as hybroanglid and I tweeted!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
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h4schaffer at gmail dot com
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h4schaffer at gmail dot com
"Hi, my brand name is" was an interesting segment about online PR and methods.
MommyTech – today at 3…
Momfluencers share how technology helps them stay connected and deal with everyday parenting needs, questions, anxieties – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
KZONE29 Under the Hood: Particulate Inks looks interesting . . . I am an artist (printmaker in particular) and find the conversation about giclees (computer-produced art reproductions) and archival inks interesting. (Oil Paints and oil-based printing inks are mineral based, so the colors never go away . . . in fact, it's paper and canvas that deteriorate.) Giclees are a great way to purchase
I love the sound of the Tweet That session!
charmtime at gmail dot com
Proof is in the Picture
The How I Met your Mother panel sounds interesting and relevent.
apeek81 at gmail dot com
I watched “Is this thing on?”
My server was having trouble loading it, so it was pretty cut up and took a long time to view, oh well, well worth it.
I found it interesting that you can email directly into the digital frame, it has it’s own email address allowing your elders to enjoy updated photo’s without the frustration of trying to figure out how to download them
1 have button on blog
copperllama at yahoo dot com
2 have button on blog
copperllama at yahoo dot com
3 have button on blog
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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Jaime payne
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I watched “Is this thing on?”
I used that for my first entry….
I found it interesting that you can email directly into the digital frame, it has it’s own email address allowing your elders to enjoy updated photo’s without the frustration of trying to figure out how to download them
copperllama at yahoo dot com
entered at both Rockin' Mama and Just a Mom's Take on Things
copperllama atyahoo dot com
i like the fathers know best
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fan on facebook-lmurley2000
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today's tweet: http://twitter.com/littlecomper/statuses/7602072634
charmtime at gmail dot com
The Proof is in the Picture!
Great stuff!
Love the product too!
how i met your mother
I watched the replay of Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook! It was really quite interesting. Having older children myself, I was unaware that you have to be 13 years old to have a FB page.
Following and tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/status/7614506920
I am following via Google Friend Connect
I think the " I want my WebTV" sounds interesting. I'd like to see their take on the outlook of television and how its delivered in the future.
follow and tweeted: http://twitter.com/happyenchilada2/status/7623745276
became a fan of SAHM on Facebook (Kess N Crystal W. on fb)
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I entered Moms Take On Things contest (Crystal W) and told her you sent me!
I entered Rockin'Mamas contest (Crystal W on her post)and told her you sent me
I'd love to check out the "Hi, My Brand Name Is…" event. it would help!
kodak playsport looks interesting.
I put your button on my blog (right sidebar): http://angiemarion.blogspot.com #1
I put your button on my blog (right sidebar): http://angiemarion.blogspot.com #2
I put your button on my blog (right sidebar): http://angiemarion.blogspot.com #3
I follow you on Twitter (@pricousins) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/pricousins/status/7631499059
I follow your blog using GFC.
How I Met Your Mother sounds interesting!
The Digital Diet sounds interesting.
MommyTech sounds interesting!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
The Proof is in the Picture looks interesting to me.
I have your button at http://getalonghome.com.
I have your button at http://getalonghome.com.
I have your button at http://getalonghome.com.
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/2010/01/kodak-k-zone-giveaway-6/
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/2010/01/kodak-k-zone-giveaway-6/
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/7643291010
Facebook fan: Cindy Greer Dyer
I'm a new rss subscriber. Look forward to reading you!
I follow via Friend Connect.
I entered at Just a Mom's Take on Things and Rockin' Mama.
RSS is the best way to read updates, following
I like the Kiss Panel
got your button #1
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got your button #3
follow blog
entered at Rockin Mama
entered at a mom's take on things
"Hi my brand name is" sounds interesting!
The OMG, BFF, LOL sounds interesting.
JAMTOT sent me.
Tweet http://twitter.com/DreeG/status/7653804208
OMG that "Help my mom friended me on FB" one is hilarious! I also like the Tweet That video. Is that Punky Brewster? lol
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/7657374585
I have your button: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/09/sahm-looking-for-deals-favorite-blogs.html
(it's alphabetical)
Entry 1
I have your button: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/09/sahm-looking-for-deals-favorite-blogs.html
(it's alphabetical)
Entry 2
I have your button: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/09/sahm-looking-for-deals-favorite-blogs.html
(it's alphabetical)
Entry 3
I'm a FB fan: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
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(1) I Checked out the Kodak Z-Zone.
(2) How I met your Mother
I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
I Subscribe to my feed via RSS & email.
Follow using Google's Friend Connect feature.
Daily Tweet! http://twitter.com/IowaHell/status/7673300380
I like the OMG, BFF, LOL panel that discusses technology in kids lives.
I follow on Google Friend Connect.
I am a facebook fan and I left a message!
"Tweet That" would be a good one to watch for me!
"Tweet That" would be a good one to watch for me!
kimmido at ymail dot com
following and tweeted http://twitter.com/kimmi78_sd/status/7676784091
kimmido at ymail dot com
daily tweet
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/7681846071
The digital diet looks great!
I follow in twitter
member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
enter both Rockin' Mama and Just a Mom's Take on Things.
kimmido at ymail dot com
I think this one sounds interesting!
adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/7695102479
How I Met Your Mother sounds interesting. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)Com
"In The Year 2025" looks so interesting.
saladforbreakfast AT gmail DOT com
I like "Is this thing On" I am a tech challenged person.
I would love to watch the digtial diet
The Digital Diet sounds interesting!
docomoloco at yahoo dot com
I would be interested in either The Digital Diet or In the Year 2525.
I would be interested in MommyTech. I'm always looking for ways to make things easier and to stay organized!
MommyTech (kzone22) sounds pretty cool.
I think "Waking Up in Vegas… With the Zombies" sounds cool. I work in advertising and I'm always interested in the innovative ways companies integrate their brands!
daily tweet
Mommy Tech sounds very interesting.
the digital diet sounds like something i should look into!
lol i like the hi my brand name is lol
ur button
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ur button 3
and follow u
fb fan tiffany b pettey
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Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/7734164797
The "proof is in the picture" sounds fascinating to me!
The Proof is in the Picture!
i like "How I met your Mother"
I follow in twitter.
Daily tweet! http://twitter.com/SahmReviews/status/7748095897
the OMG, BFF, LOL panel sounds like fun
i tried to watch it's all about kiss, but the audio sucks!
Enter the Kodak contest at both Rockin' Mama. tried to at Just a Mom's Take on Things but access was denied.
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I like the P730m
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daily tweet
Tweet That Panel #21 is definitely one I could use.
tclarkusa at gmail dot com
I follow.
tclarkusa at gmail dot com
Watched the presentation on the Play & Sport. OMG! Love that it's waterproof.
tclarkusa at gmail dot com
today's tweet: http://twitter.com/littlecomper/statuses/7770877573
charmtime at gmail dot com
The Digital Diet session sounds awesome…thanks!
blondemomblog @ gmail dot com
How I met your mother. LOL 🙂 Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Now following you-Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Commented on How not to freeze in Iowa. Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
I so need to see the Digital Diet to help myself out. Thanks for a great giveaway 🙂
I became a fan of SAHM Reviews on Facebook, thanks!
I follow your blog via Google Friends Connect, thanks!
I am an e-mail subscriber, thanks!
How I Met Your Mother sounds neat!
Is This Thing On? Always trying to keep Papa & Nana in the loop;}
+1 I have the SAHM button in my button/banner section here:
(scoll to the bottom, and your button is in the "S" section!)
+2 I have the SAHM button in my button/banner section here:
(scroll to the bottom, and your button is in the "S" section!)
+3 I have the SAHM button in my button/banner section here:
(scroll to the bottom, and your button is in the "S" section!)
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chacoyaguayo {AT} YaHoO d o t cOm
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Entered at Rockin' Mama and JAMTOT;}
Commented on How Not To Freeze In Iowa;}
I'd like to hear about new trends "In The Year 2025"
Your button is in my more links section HERE
#2 Your button is in my more links section HERE
#3 Your button is in my more links section HERE
blogged: http://canadiangiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/01/sahm-reviews-digital-picture-frame.html
#2 blogged: http://canadiangiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/01/sahm-reviews-digital-picture-frame.html
subscribe in rss
daily tweet
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/7801470671
I like the Pix Panel. There were a lot of cool pics there. I'm following you on twitter and Facebook. I'm also following Kodak to see if there are other great contests!
today's tweet: http://twitter.com/littlecomper/statuses/7812461392
charmtime at gmail dot com
http://tinyurl.com/yaoohmo @SahmReviews
I like the mommy tech because I am in that position and I am interested in the the digital diet,very interesting.
I follow,I tweeted and you have a lot of information on this site.
I took alook but I really wouldn't want any other panels, I love the natural wood grain of this frame, all the others just look so…. plastic. lol
main entry: I think "MommyTech" would be my choice because I too can sympathize with moms needing to rely on technology to stay connected with everyday dealing in life with kids & their needs. You want to feel like they are not left with no means of communicate if they need your help & it gives you peace of mind to be able to stay in contact. thank you I would love to win this
I follow you & tweeted this Kodak giveaway
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
I follow you on google friends as J. Cutshaw
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
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sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
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sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/7843588428
"How I Met Your Mother" looks really interesting!! Thanks 🙂
I watched OMG BFF, LOL! Good info here!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/anncrabs/status/7851222166
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/7860514077
Digital diet sounds good………nice site jacksond@nhr3.net
kodak fan on fb
goggle friend
tweet http://twitter.com/jacksondeb/status/7865976838
I like Its All About KISS.
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I entered at Rocking Mama and JustaMomstake and told them you sent me.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/7870554491
"Digital Diet" sounds good to me.
I tweeted
I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly)
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I follow on google friend connect
The Mommy Tech sounds interesting!
today's tweet: http://twitter.com/littlecomper/statuses/7878832500
charmtime at gmail dot com
Home is Where the Photo is
sounds very interesting
Thank you so much for giving me a chance to be a winner
I'm a twitter follower
I twitted this giveaway
Thank you so very very much
I'm a email and rss feed subscriber
Thank you so very very much
I follow on google friend connect
Thank you so very very much
Tweet That, one of Kodak's panel sounds interesting, carawling@hotmail.com
Twitter follower @carafferty, daily tweet, http://twitter.com/carafferty/status/7886054857
Subscribe to my feed via RSS, carawling@hotmail.com
Follower on google connect, carawling@hotmail.com
Entered Enter Kodak contests at both Rockin' Mama and Just a Mom's Take on Things and left a note SahmReviews.com sent me. carawling@hotmail.com
You've Come Along Way Baby KZone3
I liked "hi, my brand name is". Very interesting!
I like MommyTech for my mother
Became Facebook fan
subscribed to feed
MommyTech sounds interesting to use.
"Reach Out and Touch Somebody's Handheld". The ongoing debate between handhelds. My husband and I go through this frequently.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted this giveaway
Giveaway for Kodak D830 Digital Frame http://tinyurl.com/yaoohmo @SahmReviews Please RT #giveaway
I subscribe to SAHMReviews.com via email.
today's tweet: http://twitter.com/littlecomper/statuses/7900731799
charmtime at gmail dot com
kjmaje at gmail dot com
k-zone 8 (how i met your mother) looks great to me. I would be interested in that one.]
I have your button.
Entry 1
I have your button.
Entry 2
I have your button.
Entry 3
I follow you on twitter and tweeted.
following Google's Friend Connect
1St Comment did not show up, but it is KZONE18 Is This Thing On?
So my parents! mccullar07@yahoo.com
Signed up for email updates
The M-suite sounds interestig. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
I like "How I Met Your Mother".
The In The Year 2025 panel sounds interesting.
sweeps2me {at} gmail {dot} com
Following with Google Friend Connect
sweeps2me {at} gmail {dot} com
I liked the video on ink jet printers.
theladyswimmer at yahoo dot ocm
OMG, BFF, LOL! Thanks!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/7931640745
In the year 2025 was interesting!
I follow you on twitter (ag1414) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/ag1414/status/7932536979
I'm a facebook fan. angela gaffke
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I follow your blog. angela g
Daily tweet! http://twitter.com/IowaHell/status/7933629006
I would love this how sweet!! 🙂 Thank you!
kristygordanier (at) yahoo.com
OMG, BFF, LOL sounds interesting to me.
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This comment has been removed by the author.
I have your button. http://pocketfullofsprinkles.blogspot.com/ #1
I have your button. http://pocketfullofsprinkles.blogspot.com/ #2
I have your button. http://pocketfullofsprinkles.blogspot.com/ #3
Following your blog through google friend connect.
I'm a fan on FB.
Following on twitter. Tweet: http://twitter.com/hillfam2005/status/7942815610
Subscribing via google reader.
I checked out KZone. This is a fabulous giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
kjmaje at gmail dot com
The Digital Diet sounds great!
The Digital Diet sounds cool! 🙂
The Under the Hood: Kodak Easyshare M Camera panel sounds neat.
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
I'm following you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/status/7966127744
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
I'm a Facebook fan (Cherries Lacey).
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
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whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
today's tweet!
charmtime at gmail dot com