Sneaking Some Love into the Lunchbox

I’m so excited about the fact that Miss M is finally reading. She’s soaking up everything she possibly can – signs at stores, papers at home, even the newspaper. Anything with words, she tries to read and does a pretty good job of it. For only being a Kindergartner, I think she’s doing awesome.It’s an amazing difference just from the beginning of the year. On her first day of Kindergarten, I put a note in her lunchbox that said “I love you. Have fun at school!” She couldn’t read it, but it was really more for me than for her. When she brought her lunchbox home, I remember finding my note all crinkled and soggy from something being spilled on it. It was routed directly to the garbage instead of the previously planned scrapbook.
The following month, I received some kids fun cards through a promotion. In a nutshell, they are pre-printed postcards (in a variety of themes) that you insert into your child’s lunchbox. I did exactly that and put them in Miss M’s lunchbox a few times when I received them. Unfortunately, she just didn’t ‘get’ them. Since she wasn’t able to read, she had to request assistance from one of the lunch staff to read it to her. The timing just wasn’t right.
I need to be honest about a few things… I should have done this review months ago. The product is adorable and fun and the Family Review Network deadline has long since passed. To further complicate things, I went on a blog hiatus around that time. Then in my struggle to regain my footings, I put it on the back-burner. My sincerest apologies to Kids Fun Cards for the lack of professionalism. But seriously, I have to say I am so glad that I did NOT do the review until now!
Huh? In one breath I’m apologizing and in the next I’m saying I’m glad I was a slacker? Exactly. Good things come to those who wait… or in my case, to those who drag their feet. Miss M is able to read them now and is even asking if I’ll be putting another one in her lunchbox each day! Although a review back then would have been factual, it would not have been inspiring. And anyone who reads my reviews knows that I prefer a good story to go along with my reviews.
So what exactly are the Kids Lunch Box Cards? They’re cards in various school-aged themes like riddles, gross facts and weird laws. Some, like the riddles cards, have a scratch-off section to hide the answer! The cards are durable enough to withstand a lunchbox and even meet the requirements to be used as actual postcards through the postal service.
If your child is able to read, then they are sure to appreciate at least one of these themes. And if your child is one of those “MOM, Don’t kiss me in front of my friends” kind of kids, they’ll definitely prefer these to a hand-written note in their lunchbox. You get the satisfaction of sneaking in a little love but they aren’t embarrassed!
I regret that I didn’t get this review done earlier, but I genuinely have a better grasp of how effective and fun these cards are now. If you think your kids might like them, here’s your chance to win a pack!
The Prize: Kids Lunch Box Cards – 5 Different Themes!
Participants –
…must provide a US mailing address.
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the second random selection.
Sometime on February 18, 2009, a winner will be chosen at random (using from all comments left.
How to enter: (CONTEST CLOSED)
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I like the theme, it’s a wacky world. These look like lots of fun.
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The riddles look like fun! Thanks for the contest!
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I sub via Bloglines. I always try to leave a msg in my kids lunches. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sorry- I hit enter too early- My kids would like the Riddles!
The ew thats gross cards would most entertain my cards. Thanks,
The riddles cards would be the ones we’d pick
i like the gross ones for my younger ones and the riddles for my older one
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I think my son would like the It’s A Wacky World cards the best.
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The Mystical Little People would be a hit at my house.
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I really like the theme, it’s a wacky world, it is a cute theme. Thanks,
My Kiddo’s would like the Looney Laws cards 🙂
‘ it’s a wacky world ‘ is cute!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
it’s a wacky world cards
My son would love the riddles. He likes solving anything. I need to keep him alert as well.
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We’d like the riddle one. Good Idea!
It’s A Wacky World cards would be my choice. thanks! clallen at ntin dot net
Definitely Mystical Little People.
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Definitely the riddles would be the most popular here.
My kids would like the riddles cards.
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