One Recipe Shouldn’t Require 3 Trips to the Store

Like most other people, I’m trying to rethink my eating habits for the new year. I’m not doing the best job at it, but at least it’s in the back of my mind. For Christmas, I received a much-needed Crock Pot upgrade. I decided to start planning a meal for the Crock Pot for each Monday since we have after-school programs that make planning dinner a headache. I also made a point to start scanning my various cookbooks and Cooking Light magazines for healthier dinner alternatives.The very first week that I did this, I picked out three new recipes. Since I try to do all my shopping on one day, I usually make a decent list then head to the store. That Friday, DH said “Let’s grab some lunch then hit the grocery store. We’re out of bread and other stuff.” He was right, we couldn’t even make school lunches let alone sandwiches for us. I said “Sure, let’s go get the necessities.”
We got to the local grocery store and he glanced at my hand-scribbled list. Baffled, he asked “Where are all the ingredients for the new recipes?” I said “I haven’t written them down yet.” He replied “I thought that’s why we were coming.” Misunderstanding, I guess. I thought we were just getting the basics. That afternoon, I sat down and wrote my grocery list for the new recipes.
So the following day, we headed out to WalMart. Figured we could get everything there while picking up a present for one of Miss M’s classmates. Guess what… they didn’t have one of the ingredients I needed. I would need to stop by the grocery store, again, the following day. Good thing, because I realized that when I transferred my recipe list onto my grocery scratch pad, I missed something anyhow. Three grocery trips in three consecutive days just for the sake of a few new recipes is not reasonable.
But this past week we hit Sam’s Club a little more prepared. Then the other day flew through WalMart with a nicely prepared list including notes about which products to use coupons on.
It wasn’t that I had created a new shopping style… it was because I was using my brand-new SmartShopper Grocery List Organizer. OMG. It’s the coolest gadget. It’s magnetic and sticks to your fridge (or has mounting clips for hanging elsewhere.) When I realize we’re almost out of something, I walk to the SmartShopper, press the button and say “Milk” and it brings up a list of three items that it thinks I may mean. If the item is among them, I click the select button and it adds it to my list. Trying to use it when you have a cold is a little more difficult since the computer can’t decipher stuffy-nose language. Even Miss M (age 6) and Miss K (age 4) have added items to our list!
When I am running through a recipe, I remove it from the fridge and set it next to me to record the items as I realize I need them. No more chicken scratches on note paper to decode while at the store and no more missing items when I recopy my recipe list onto my grocery list.
Let me tell you though, keep the printed master list of items handy until you get the hang of it. All four of us tried to get the SmartShopper to recognize that we wanted to buy “Pears” at the store but none of us could get it. No matter how we enunciated or spun it, it just couldn’t figure out Pears. I finally broke down and looked at the list to find that it isn’t included. But no biggie, there’s a feature to add items AND record the voice to go with it. So next time we say it, it knows what we want. It also recognizes some brand names so be sure check the list or ask for something by name first if you have a preference. If it’s not on the list, you can always add it.
A cool feature is that it can maintain two separate lists. I keep one for the grocery store/WalMart and another for Sam’s Club. If you only want to maintain one list, you can utilize the second one for errands. You can choose from the 65 existing – such as bank, library, post office and even ones like “donate blood” – or add your own.As I said before, there’s an option to add a coupon note or even change the quantity. When you’re ready to go, print out the list and head off. It’s all separated by categories like produce, dairy and pet. Click on the picture for a better view.
This is such a cool gadget that I’ve already started using it daily! If you think this will help you organize your life, check out SmartShopper’s website for participating retailers or Amazon. Otherwise, here’s your chance to win one!
The Prize
One SmartShopper Grocery List Organizer.
Participants –
…must provide a US mailing address.
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the second random selection.Sometime on February 6, 2009, a winner will be chosen at random (using from all comments left.
How to enter: (CONTEST CLOSED)
It runs on double a batteries.
they sell refills on the site
I like that it has a built in thermal printer and will never need an ink cartridge!
The unit comes with nearly 2,500 grocery items already entered into it’s memory. Wow! Neat. If I don’t win one, I’d like to review and test one out. (My dear hubby would really like to try it because he shops for us most of the time.) Thanks.
Subscribed- gahome2mom(at)gmail(dot)com
Button on blog – abc order
The Smart Shopper is (almost) light as a feather 😉 “Weight: 17 oz.”
*Thanks* for the giveaway!
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Thermal printer included!
The Smart Shopper not only saves you time shopping, but it actually saves you money because you aren’t looking at all the extra items the store offers, you go right to the items you need that are on your list. No extra buying of items you don’t need.
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The SmartShopper unit is a compact 7-1/2″ x 4″ and is 1-1/4″ thick. Because of it’s thermal printing ability, it will never require an ink cartridge. Yeah!! I have been trying to win one of the units for months now.
Subscriber by email 🙂
No messy printer cartridges! And with the coupon notation, I won’t remember the coupon only after I get home and I’m unpacking my groceries.
Nyssa AT concentric DOT net
I am a subscriber!
I like that it can flag coupons!
Wow, there are so many great things about this grocery list organizer. It has a durable hard plastic casing with a brushed aluminum front. Press any button to turn it on. There is no off button, it will automatically go off in 30 seconds. TRigell at aol dot com
I spread the word on Twitter.
TRigell at aol dot com
I subscribe 🙂
TRigell at aol dot com
I have your new button at
TRigell at aol dot com
I blogged about this great giveaway at
TRigell at aol dot com
No. 2 entry for blogging about this great giveaway at
TRigell at aol dot com
No 3 Blogged about this at
TRigell at aol dot com
I’d love to win this!
You can add custom items to the product library.
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valmg2 AT gmail DOT com
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I stumbled you, I’m valmg
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I had no idea that you wouldn’t have to buy ink for this – amazing! guill888 at yahoo dot com
Love that I don’t have to spend money on ink cartridge refills!
This would be so helpful, awesome!
I am a follower! 😉
Thanks for the chance!
There are 2,500 pre-loaded items.
Would love to win this
I posted your button on my blog:
The Purple Lady
I posted at my blog about this too!
The Purple Lady
I’m also following your blog.
The Purple Lady
I blogged about the giveaway!
The Purple Lady
“Because of it’s thermal printing ability, your SmartShopper will never require an ink cartridge”… that is so nice! Thanks for the neat giveaway.
Besides making grocery lists it also has a errands list so you can make a list of errands you need to run.
Blog entry #1
Blog entry #3
I have Twittered this giveaway: username talonsmom731
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I have a smart shopper and love it. One thing that was not mentioned is that it runs on batteries, is easy to change the paper, etc. I LOVE the master list. Mine is an older version. I would love a newer one and be able to give mine to my mom.
it uses thermal printing paper, doesn’t need ink to print!
posted your new button
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i blogged!
It can categorize based on department..
subscribed by email.
It has a thermal printer. great gadget.
I like that it prints out the list instead of voice it back to you. I am hard of hearing and this would be an excellent Shopping companion for me.
THanks for the opportunity!
I am a subscriber!
Wow, too cool! Even better that it organizes your list by area in the store. No more making 7 trips through the store to find everything!
i like that you don’t need ink cartridges!
I like that it can categorize the items for dairy, produce ect…
oh i love that it can keep track of other errands, too!!
It has a 90-day warranty!
I blogged about the giveaway here:
I blogged about the giveaway here:
It had 2500 memory
Ask Ms Recipe
Where is your twitter ID?
Following on Blogger Now.
Ask Ms Recipe
Ms Recipe
It has “Pompano” listed under meats…what is it anyway?
Mom of 2 Boys, Wife of 1
Mom of 2 Boys, Wife of 1
Following you on blogger.
Mom of 2 Boys, Wife of 1
Subscribed to feed.
Mom of 2 Boys, Wife of 1
Feed subscriber too~!
The unit is a compact 7 1/2″ x 4″ and is only 1 1/4″ thick. Thanks for the chance to win.
There are no ink cartridge refills (great!).
It has thermal printing so it doesn’t need ink.
I didn’t know that it came with 2500 grocery items preloaded OR how small it is/how little it weighs. What a useful gadget! Thank you. bb8y29 at yahoo dot com
It only weighs 17 ozs. woohoo!!! Easy for me to use with my diseased hands!!!
I am a follower (rss)
I love that it doesn’t need ink, it uses thermal printing! (what list would I write new ink on anyways?)
aahaft at gmail dot com
The SmartShopper will not adhere to stainless steel appliances!
I follow you on blogger! 🙂
Love that you don’t have to buy ink or those expensive lithium batteries that alot of things like this require!
I subscribe!
The list is printed by category for you- all frozen foods together etc.
I subscribed via Google reader!
Even the stars are using them! Celebrities like Constance Zimmer, Swoosie Kurtz, Chef Elizabeth Faulkner, Montel Williams and even the ladies from Desperate Housewives have them! I definitely need one, since I usually start a list then jot down something on a different list & on & on, so I have about 6 different lists. This way it would all be in one place!
I’m a subscriber!
I follow your blog! (amweeks)
You can also keep track of your errands along with your grocery needs.
charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com
It has a thermal printer so no ink cartidges! So cool!
It has a thermal printing ability, so the SmartShopper will never require an ink cartridge.
sras7508 at gmail dot com
It can be mounted on the countertop, wall or magnetically.
I’ve been wanting one of these for ages!
I subscribe via email.
I like that it has a thermal printer so you’ll never have to replace the ink!
Your electronic SmartShopper has an LCD screen shows your currently added grocery list items in alphabetical order with an easy to read 9 point font.
Posted about this giveaway at:
Linked to smartshopper at
It only weighs 17 ozs…Which is amazing with all the little things this gadget does
I like that you can print the list
You can mention on the list if the item has a coupon.
You did not mention that the ink does not need to be replaced!
nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com
I tweeted.
nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com
What a great gadget! It has a LCD and an embedded thermal printer.
They have a patent pending to use this technology with other gizmos. Cool!
It uses a thermal ink printer. It is so cool!
I stumbled!
It uses thermal printing paper.
There’s a new model now. Check it out!
I am a subscriber!
I learned that there is a thermal printer built right in and you can get paper refills on their website.
I am a follower.
I have your button on my blog: Here
I am a follower!
I stumbled your giveaway
Username: wastebasketsa
I got your feed.
I have seen the Smart Shopper used and I think that it is great that anyone wanting to add to the list can do so because the high tech voice recognition is not limited to just a single user.
This thing is really cool!
I am now a follower! #143 was me also
Also a subscriber!
It will never need a new ink cartridge!!!