Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Shelf Care: A Tabletop Coloring Book by Violet Daisy Games

I love the people I have met in the tabletop industry. Their diversity of their friendships, knowledge and creativity have broadened my world. Violet Daisy Games was created by AnnaMaria Jackson-Phelps, someone I met several years ago and have watched blossom (see what I did there? violets, daisies, blossom LOL) in the industry. Her tabletop-themed coloring book, “Shelf Care” was among our list of recommendations for gifts that are activity-based. While only a small business, she has generously offered to send a prize to one of our readers. This cool coloring book includes art from 20 artists in the tabletop industry so don’t hesitate to enter to win it!
Holiday Giveaway 2023 – Shelf Care: A Tabletop Coloring Book
I’m always down for Star Wars…..
I haven’t colored in years. I have seen the abstract mandala-style adult coloring books that seem nice and relaxing. But, the tabletop theme, now I can really get behind that! Other themes I would be up for trying – what about an 80’s or 90’s pop culture book?
I have a tattoo and a pop art coloring book that I really enjoy
I repurpose used children’s coloring books and collage with them
It’s been a while since I’ve colored. I like a variety of different themes and tend to pick something based on how I feel the day I start the project. I think a geeky theme would definitely get me going.
I haven’t colored in years, but I would give it a try.
I haven’t colored in a long time, but I’d love to get back into it.
I used to buy coloring books from museums and places that sold adult coloring books. The theme didn’t really matter as long as they were geared towards adults. Now I’m more about playing games on my phone, but if someone bought me pens and coloring books I would probably enjoy it.
I haven’t colored in ages, but for me it’s less about the theme and more about the beauty of the art and patterns that pop!
I like mandalas and intricate animal ones!
I like coloring butterflies
I enjoy adult coloring books! I’d be up for a geeky theme.
I have never done an adult coloring book. But seeing one with a geeky theme got me interested
I like really strange ones, like moths, Bill Murray, death-themed, lol
A geeky theme would inspire me to try coloring.
Anything calming!