New Game Release – SideQuest Nemesis

Board & Dice has released SideQuest Nemesis, a fresh successor to the Escape Tales series, into retail earlier this month.
Side Quest: Nemesis is a new, exciting puzzle game from the authors of Escape Tales series set in the world of Nemesis an award-winning board game designed by Adam Kwapiński and published by Awaken Realms. Side Quest: Nemesis will provide players with engaging puzzles, an interesting storyline, and difficult decisions.
Captain Jessica Kowalski’s crew got another job offer from the corporation. Apparently, a ship with valuable cargo went silent a few weeks ago. The mission was simple: locate the ship, evaluate its status, and ensure the cargo gets to Earth at any cost. However, the last entry from the Captain’s journal is rather disturbing. She dictated: our ship AI detected the presence of alien organisms that it calls Intruders. The silence out there is creeping me out more than usually… The game will test your creativity, perceptiveness, and ability to think out of the box. Be aware as the strange silence on the spaceship is not a good sign, and the Intruders are hiding here somewhere… Fulfill your mission and avoid getting infected at any cost.
SideQuest Nemesis is for one to four players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 90-120 minutes. It retails for 16,00 €.
Board & Dice also released Sierra West (see “Sierra West Strategy Game Overview“).