Holiday Giveaways 2022 – Zombie Kidz Evolution by Scorpion Masqué / Hachette Boardgames

I’m pretty sure if zombies invaded our school, I would go hide somewhere. But seems like if kids are going to be brave and fight them, it’s best to do it on the game table! Zombie Kidz Evolution is a cooperative game which made it a great fit for our guide to family games this year!
Hachette Boardgames has offered to send a copy to someone from our community and it could be you! As with all our other giveaways, it’s super easy to enter. Just fill out the form below and select as many (or few) options as you like. Remember that there are daily bonus entries so come back to increase your chances!
Honestly, about the scariest thing I did in school was to tepee a friend’s yard on Halloween.
I do not remember doing anything scary at school
I don’t think I did anything scary at school. It was a long time ago, so I’m not sure!
I can’t really think of anything scary that I did. If I did, well, I guess it wasn’t really scary after all. We tend to build up fear of the unknown and it could prevent us from trying new things. But, if we give them a try, we often find out there was nothing to be scared of in the first place. If you asked me freshman year what I did that was scary, I may have had an answer such as trying out for the fall musical, but in hindsight, it wasn’t scary at all.
Going across on the monkey bars was scary enough for me.
Probably cheating on my math test in 5th grade, because I got caught and still remember!
Talking to the girl I liked
Joining a club for the first time!
being on eraser duty was scary because you had to go into the basement on your own
During retreat at my Catholic school I read Tennessee Williams plays instead of religious stuff.
Passing finals!
The scariest thing I did at school was having to stand up in front of everyone and speak.
I don’t remember anything really being scary, except for the presentations/oral reports and such.
I skipped school one day with a friend!!
There was a gang fight at our high school and we had to shelter in place while the police cleared the campus
Watching 9/11 happen on TV in school with all the other kids. That was awful and still is.
I was such a nervous kid. I never did anything scary in fear that I’d get hurt.
The scariest thing I ever did in school was surviving all of the bullies!!
Nothing too scary actually