Holiday Giveaways 2022 – Olé! Guacamolé by Scorpion Masqué / Hachette Boardgames
When we put together our first gift guide this year, we wanted it to be a family game list. But since families have different interests, age ranges and abilities, it needed to reflect that same variety. One of the games included on that list is Olé! Guacamolé published by Scorpion Masqué and distributed by Hachette Boardgames in the United States. It’s compact which makes it a great stocking stuffer. They’ve offered a copy of this word game to one of our readers. If you want a chance to win it, all you need to do is enter using the form below. Do one entry or do many, the choice is yours!
Just some crackers or pretzels are ideal!
Sounds like a great party game
Pretzels & Beer
Gummi worms
I’m a fan of popcorn.
chips and salsa
Popcorn and twizzlers
I like popcorn.
Chocolate chips biscuits
Chips with sour cream!
Popcorn is my favorite!
Chips and dip.
Cheese curls or balls are must when I’m playing !
Chex mix
I love chips & french onion dip!
I prefer not to eat while playing because I don’t want food residue on the cards.
Salty snacks with a paper towel to wipe gruby fingers on
Chips with dip, guacamole, or nacho cheese! Or all of the above!
Chips and dip