Thrift Treasure: MixUp Abstract Game
We found MixUp at Goodwill for only $1.88. The components are great and it is an upgraded version of Connect 4. Need one in your collection?
This week’s thrift store find is a game by Out of the Box. While no longer in business, this publisher was one of our favorites when the girls were younger. Snake Oil is still a family favorite, as is Squint. We hated to see them close doors a few years back. Now we actively look for some of their older games to fill out our collection.
This copy of MixUp was in like-new condition at our local Goodwill for only $1.88. The production value of the components is as good as any new game today. I might call MixUp an upgraded version of the classic Connect 4. The goal is similar – get four in a row to win. Or you can also make a 2×2 grid to capture victory in an alternate manner.
Inside the MixUp box are 54 game tiles of assorted colors and shapes. Three colors (blue, green and red) and three shapes (moon, lightning and raindrop) are equally distributed among the tiles. Two additional tiles, one featuring shapes and the other highlighting colors, are divided among the two players. This will denote which win condition they are trying to accomplish – either lining up like colors or like shapes.
The game board is a slanted plastic tray of columns, also like Connect 4, but without the need for seeing double-sided. All tiles are spread out face-up in a common pool for either player to draw from. The start player is the person who is trying to line up colors. They choose any tile from the pool and slot it into one of the columns, where it will drop to the bottom. The other player then chooses any tile of a different shape just played and does the same. From here on out there are no restrictions on which tile may be chosen.
Once a tile is placed, it may not be moved and must drop to the bottom of the channel. The first player to either line up four in a row of like colors/shapes, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, or creates a “postage stamp” (bingo jargon) in a 2×2 grid, is the winner of MixUp. If a piece is placed which results in a win for both players, the person who placed the piece is the winner.
As previously mentioned, Out of the Box is long out of the business (pun intended). You can find new and used copies on eBay for a wide range of prices. It is necessary that all pieces be present as it would be unbalanced with even one missing. Make sure the seller guarantees it is complete before making the purchase!
Would you prefer the original Connect 4 or this upgraded version?
You found this for only $1.88?? What a shopper! Personally, I like the first Connect 4 better. I’m not good with change
I think I’d prefer mix up. Something about game variants always appealed to me.
Looks more fun and interesting than the original, methinks…..
Sounds like a fun game that I would play.
this upgraded version
I like the original Connect Four.
I like the original connect 4
I think I’d like playing this game with my family! They really enjoy Connect 4!