Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Dinosaur World by Pandasaurus Games

Just like the dinosaurs and 2021, our annual holiday promotion must come to an end. Dinosaur World by Pandasaurus Games is our last giveaway for the year. You can continue to enter this – and all the other current giveaways – each day until they close and we totally hope you do that. If you haven’t done so, please thank all the sponsors that made this year’s promotion such a success. Thank you for joining us on this year’s journey! Enter this one before it’s extinct too!
I would have to say-the Brontesaure…it’s a herbivore! Maybe it wouldn’t kill me.
I don’t want to see any dino still roaming the earth. Scientists nowadays are trying to pull a Jurassic Park and bring some back. Don’t they realize that went poorly?
I would like to see still roaming the earth triceratops.
A Woolly Mammoth.
None! This world has an overpopulation problem as it is. Of course, some of the dinosaurs will take care of that problem too.
As long as they’re far away from me, Velociraptors! If I have to be on the same continent, we’ll go with Ankylosaurus…..
I would love to see a triceratops!
Stegosaurus would be pretty cool!
Maybe a Triceratops.
Plesiosaurus! The legends of the lochness monster and other large aquatic creatures are fascinating.
Triceratops was always my favorite….and it was an herbivore so no risk to us meat sacks
Triceratops was always my favorite but Pterodactyls come a close second.
actually none. It would have been terrifying
The big ones all have diet issues. Trilobites might be cool though.
Triceratops! Because they won’t go out of their way to eat me but are still super cool.
I’d like to see a brontosaurus.
None, that would be terrifying. Even the vegan dinos would be massive.
Microraptors! Such an awesome little four-winged dinosaurs – loved them as a kid.
I always liked Stegosaurus!
brontosaurus. big and long.
The one and only Iguanodon! Thumbs up, dude!
I’d go for the Parasaurolophus
I’d love to see a Pterodactyl. Somehow, they don’t seem as scary as some of the other dinos.
Any of the ones resembling turtles.
I think it would be neat to see the Argentinosaurus roaming the plains just to get a real sense of the size magnitude these beings had. Then again, it may be too big and trample homes in its path.
My heart really wants to say a Tyrannosaurus Rex would be pretty cool to see first hand. However, given the possible danger of having a T Rex still waling around my second choice would be a Stegosaurus since at least we would be able to know if their back plates were upright or horizontal.
I would like to see the Brachiosaurus roaming the earth
Triceratops. Calm one
I would love to see raptors. Always been my fav.
T-Rex. If I can be protected
ankylosaurus, that ones always been a favorite of mine
Any as long it’s an herbivore
if i could end up seeing a mosessaurus on the planet, id be pretty stoked
A Triceratops.
I would love to see the Brontosaurus roaming the Earth.
Triceratops was always my favorite.
The biggest of them, brontosaurus or stegosaurus, whichever it is.
T-Rex. I cant believe how jaws that powerful ever existed.
I would love to see Brachiosaurus roaming the earth!