Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Relative Insanity See What I Mean Game by PlayMonster


I’ve always thought that Jeff Foxworthy was funny in a dad-joke kind of way. I’ve watched his sitcoms and stand up shows and they’re always good for a laugh. So it makes perfect sense that a board game by him would be funny too. In Relative Insanity See What I Mean by PlayMonster, players use Caption Cards to label a photo then the judge picks the funniest, second funniest and a black sheep. This kind of game is best with a lot of players so we included in our recent list of go-to party games. You can pick up copy on Amazon for your insane relatives then enter the giveaway so you have a copy for yourself!

Holiday Giveaway 2020 – Relative Insanity See What I Mean Game

13 thoughts on “Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Relative Insanity See What I Mean Game by PlayMonster

  1. Not understanding the ramifications of opening a bottle of champagne, I stupidly opened it & the top flew off like a gunshot. Fortunately it was inadvertently aimed in another direction as it would certainly have killed somebody if it had connected with an innocent bystander.

  2. My daughter worked in an art museum and she accompanied a Mary Cassatt painting from Wichita, Kansas to London, England.

  3. Lighting a firecracker and then throwing it into a pit full of sand….it’s amazing how much damage flying sand can do to human flesh. Needless to say, a painful lesson was learned that day.

  4. My mom as a girl thought a jawbreaker was a duck egg, and tried to get it to hatch before my uncle told her it was a jawbreaker.

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