Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Unsolved Case Files Game by Goliath Games

In an age with so many places to stream movies and tv shows, it’s not unusual to hear people asking for recommendations for what to watch. It’s also pretty common to see people raving about shows they love. During this pandemic, I’ve heard more and more people rave about true crime shows and podcasts. If you’re one of those people or know someone who is then you’ll appreciate the Goliath Games title we included in our guide to party games. Unsolved Case Files: Case 1 Harmony Ashcroft is a mystery board game that’s waiting for to be closed! You can grab a copy on Amazon or from your local game store. Search for clues in the widget below to discover how you can win the copy we’re giving away!
Holiday Giveaway 2020 – Unsolved Case Files: Case 1 Harmony Ashcroft Game
The Bermuda Triangle. Crazy stuff happens there, man!
Roanoke Island
The Roanoke Colony.
Maybe a bit dated at this point, but I remain curious about what the real truth is of the Making a Murder documentary. That said, I haven’t even watched the second season…
It would be fantastic to get to the bottom of what really happened to the Roanoke colony!
There are so many! I loved watching the old show Unsolved Mysteries and now the new one on netflix
Worldwide shared culture… like how almost every culture has a version of bread.
Jack The Ripper
The Zodiac Killer .
Elizabeth Short aka “Black Dahlia Btw.. UNSOLVED CASE FILES is out of stock on Amazon until December 24th. It happened while I was checking out.. ugg
I’m curious about so many, but I would have to say Jack the Ripper.
This one is more of an unsolved medical mystery. Unfortunately it happened in the 1700’s, so it’d be impossible to solve at this point, but I’m very curious about what Tarrare’s medical condition was supposed to be.
On June 13, 1912, 8 people were murdered in their beds in the small town of Villisca, Iowa. The victims were killed with an axe and the perpetrator was never found. I would love to see that crime solved.
There are so many to choose from! If I have to choose a real-life unsolved mystery are I’m most curious about, I suppose I’ll have to go with….which came first – chicken or the egg?
What happened to Jimmy Hoffa.
…aren’t they all pretty much solved?
The Roanoke Colony!
There are so many, I love unsolved mysteries! I would say Jack the Ripper.
Looks like fun!
I have always been intrigued by the “Zodiac Killer”…I would like to see a resolution.